May 25, 2024. Dengue in Sri Lanka. This year 23,000 cases and 9 deaths

May 25, 2024

Health authorities Sri Lanka reported 23,000 cases dengue so far this year. The most affected areas are Colombo, Gampaha, Kalutara and Jaffna. The largest number of patients was recorded in Colombo district. 9 deaths were recorded.

The country is concerned about a possible increase in cases during the upcoming rainy season in the southwest. Favorable time for mosquito breeding.

Local risks Sri Lanka

More information about dengue in Sri Lanka

  • Status report:
    • 2024. May 12 22,943 cases, 9 deaths; SE14 20897 cases; SE10 18,556 cases; February 26. Over 15,000 cases and 5 deaths; January 26: 7,299 cases and 3 deaths, especially in Western Province.
    • 2023. 88,000 cases and 57 deaths; 22 December Jaffna District in Northern Province; December 12 80,222 cases this year; November 28 – 74,804 cases; November 20 – 72,840 cases; September 1 – 58,668 cases; June 27 – 47,964 cases and 27 deaths; June: 42,184 cases, 22 deaths; May 30,000 cases
    • 2022. June, March
    • 2021. Maybe
    • 2020. August, June, May
    • 2019. The country has reported 99,120 cases. December, situation in Matara, November, October, June.
    • 2018. The country has reported 51,659 cases.
    • 2017. The country has recorded 186,101 cases.
  • The first case was reported in 1962, and the first epidemic in 1965-1966. It has been a notifiable disease on the island since 1996.
  • The current circulating serotype is DENV-3, formerly DENV-2 (2017).
  • A nationally notifiable disease since 1996.
  • Seasonal transmission with two peaks coinciding with monsoon rains from June to July and October to December (most cases occur between June and July).

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