Mexico finds largest archaeological treasure in Maya train works

He Mexican government finds “greatest archaeological treasure ever”or” last decades During the construction work of Maya TrainIn the southeast of the country, Diego Prieto Hernández, director of the National Institute of Anthropology and History (INAH), told EFE this Tuesday.

Solar disk, statue of the corn god at Chichen Itza At Palenque, double steles at Uxmal, bas-reliefs of captives taken by the hair of a dignitary at Balam, funerary urns and vessels are some of the objects found in the five states crossed by the new railway.

“In Yucatán, Campeche, Quintana Roo, Tabasco and Chiapas we have discovered more than 1.4 million ceramic fragments, more than 50,000 pieces of movable and immovable property, such as palaces and structures, the largest find found in recent decades in Mexico “An archaeological treasure.” said the director of INAH.

For the officer, The important thing is to retrieve comprehensive information and the possibility of reconstructing the social structures and ideas of the Maya.

“That is why the Tomb of Pacal, in Chiapas, can be as interesting as an arrowhead that speaks of the ancient presence of the culture of this region,” he explained.

New ideas of Maya culture

Archaeologist’s discovery highlights complexity of urban systems Communication and trade that developed in the Maya region of Mesoamerica, which includes Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador.

Cultural treasures found along the Maya train route are added Rediscovering Ichkabal, “A Royal City of the Country.” Maya which will open to the public next August.

“We are talking about a great collective institutional investigation with the participation of hundreds of young professionals in archaeology, technology, history and other disciplines,” he assured.

When discussing the Program for the Reclamation of Archaeological Areas (Promeza) obtained from the Maya Train, he highlighted that Valuable information and material recovered for better knowledge “About the future and development of the great Maya civilization, its eras, cultural areas and artistic and urban expressions.”

INAH experts generate new knowledge“Such as the great population density that was recorded in Mesoamerica, especially in the north of Chiapas, the Tabasco jungle, south of Campeche and the Yucatán Peninsula.”

Prieto Hernandez described two pillars of this research work and Recovery of illusory memory.

“There is an archaeological rescue, which is concerned with the recovery of materials that provide valuable information and architectural structures, but also movable and immovable property in the area bounded by the train rights of way,” he said.

Another pillar is Promeza, “in which we are organically involved.” And in a planned manner, we focus on the research, conservation, structuring and stabilization of elements in archaeological areas open to the public and which will soon be opened, such as Ichkabal,” he said.

Treasures open for tourism

Promise This includes actions for a better visitor experience“With elements of site interpretation and understanding, as well as basic services.”

INAH’s work, which It turns 85 in 2024, it is research, conservation and dissemination.

He indicated, “We cannot just focus on research, we must conserve archaeological materials and sites for future generations.”

Prieto Hernandez pointed out It is important to know that the Maya civilization is not extinctBecause it is made up of linguistic variants and opposing peoples.

Treasures found during the construction of Maya Train Will be displayed in Puk Archaeological MuseumThe sites of Dzibilchaltun and Chichen Itza, as well as the history of Yucatán, which will open in the coming months.


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