Migraine medicine arrives in Spain

A day of hope for the more than four million Spaniards who suffer from chronic migraine. The first medicine for the prevention and treatment of acute attacks of this disease has already gone on sale in Spain. However, its availability will be limited for now.

According to WHO, migraine is the leading cause of disability in women under 50 years of age. Severe headaches, vomiting or photophobia make this a disease that in many cases deprives the patient of his social or work life.

It is easy to diagnose, but there are no effective treatments that combat 100% of the symptoms, let alone prevent it. Now a new drug from the marketing company Pfizer is coming to Spain, the active ingredient of which is rimegepant, a molecule that prevents the onset of migraines. Cecilio Venegas, president of the College of Pharmacists of Badajoz, explains that this medicine binds to a peptide that causes migraines. It is indicated for severe patients who experience 12 to 14 crises per month.

The drug, which relieves symptoms for up to 48 hours, is also preventative. It is already sold in pharmacies in Extremadura by prescription, a box of 16 doses costs 500 euros, but in extreme cases it will be financed by Social Security.

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