Miley Cyrus and Beyonce collaborate in the movie Cowboy Carter!

Beyoncé has released a new country album. This album is already a surprise: a collaboration with Miley Cyrus!

Beyoncé is pioneering a whole new genre: country. Singer vient de sortir from the new album: “Cowboy Carter”. And this is Miley Cyrus, the queen of country, who was the first to take part in this album. It’s a plus for you.

Beyoncé sorts country album

Beyoncé released an album that didn’t last long. Indeed, the young woman is leaving for the country. Un style qu’elle n’avait never fails during a career. Alors, elle elle essuie de nombreuses Critiques. Designation on the cover.

In this album he paid homage to his African-American roots. En effet, long-term suspension, la Country a Eté “White Music” Alors, the queen of pop, takes on a new challenge. Pimp Miley Cyrus.

In this album, Beyoncé recreates historical pipes. With Dolly Parton’s “Jolene” cell phone. Sauf que Queen B changed the convention of this title. Qui datent quand même de 1973. Le rendant Moderne et Surtout Current.

He also performed Blackbird from the Beatles on this album. In all cases there is a style very different from what occurs in habit. Inside, we can also glimpse more collaborations with country stars.

According to the notes of Miley Cyrus. An artist who is part cells that do not perceive thanks to this musical style. In fact, the two women featured on this album share the same title: This is the most wanted.

Miley Cyrus collaborated with Queen B in Fière d’Avoir

In this album, Beyoncé sees this musical genre and its association with the color gold. On her Instagram, Miley Cyrus explains that this is the most interesting part of this album.

“I love Beyoncé. And it’s nice to meet again or find an opportunity to work with her. My admiration est encore plus profonde I know that I chose these cats. »

Miley Cyrus remembers the artist behind this song. ” Mercy Beyonce. You are tout et encore plus what is. And all that time has passed to create this special song, thank you for reaching deep into my soul. Je vous aime.”

The singer is the fire of this creation and the message that the author will bring to you. In any case, with this Beyoncé album compte bien take revenge. Il faut dire qu’il s’il s’agit d’un album très politique and plus d’etre music.

Avec is a creation, singer devrait bien être en lice pour les prochains Grammy Awards. Let’s see if these are albums, they sell well. In any case, it will be available on all streaming platforms later.

Vous de voir is a vous braid style. Vous pourrez en tout cas and create a wonderful duet with Miley Cyrus. Dans un style que la jeune femme ne fait plus depuis maintenant des années. Il faut quand même aimer les sonorités Country.

Mais Beyoncé veut mettre de côté le genre musical to focus on love and le fait qu’elle vient de sortir un new album!