Mo Kathir suspended by World Athletics for missing three doping tests

Spanish distance runner Mohammed Kathir has been suspended by World Athletics. due to missingness in three controls. The athlete herself announced this in her statement:

“Today’s Athletics Integrity Unit (AIU) (the independent agency that oversees World Athletics) has informed me of a provisional suspension due to what it considers to be a rule violation resulting from three failed location (whereabouts) attempts in the last twelve months. During the disciplinary process, the AIU agreed to my temporary suspension,” the letter begins.

Kathir was registered for an athletics meeting in Valencia this Wednesday. where he was going to break the European 5000m short track record and the 2000m he wanted to try on Saturday in Liven (France), after touching the Spanish 1500m record a week ago in L’Ere. However, he withdrew from the World Championships in Glasgow to prepare for the Olympics.

Kathir will appeal

“Since I do not agree with the above decision taken by the AIU, I am ready to appeal the the relevant authorities to be able to compete during the processing of the procedure,” he continued. “I believe that there was no violation associated with the three location failures in the last twelve months. In some of the location failures reported by AIU, I was available at the location, date and time I specified.”

Kathir has passed about 24 or 25 checks in those 12 months, but he will have to defend against those passes, which he claims were not all the same.. “Over the past few months and years, I have been subject to a large number of out-of-competition doping controls, both urine and blood samples, without any problems on my part.

It is important to remember that we are not dealing with a copyright infringement file. doping rules for the use of prohibited substances or methods, even for evading doping control outside of competition. “This is a simple file resulting from the completion of location data on the ADAMS platform, which could generate location (location) errors,” he noted.

Kathir, vice-world champion at 5000 meters and one of Spanish athletics’ hopes for a medal in Paris promises to fight to the end: “I will continue to defend myself when appropriate, because it cannot be otherwise. the presumption of my innocence until the relevant procedure is completed and completed.”

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