Municipal sports centers will offer discounts and professional assistance to cardiologists recovering from a heart attack. News. Zaragoza City Council

Starting this year, Zaragoza’s municipal sports centers will offer reduced rates and professional assistance to people who have suffered a heart attack and are undergoing cardiac rehabilitation. This is the goal with which the Zaragoza City Council and the Re-late association have signed an agreement to implement the program. “Active Cardio”aimed at promoting exercise and adopting a healthy lifestyle in people with heart disease.

Thus, About 150 people from this group will be able to use four fitness and health zones on preferential terms. municipal sports centers of Duques Villahermosa, Siglo XXI, José Garcés and La Granja. The agreement, which is being signed for the first time, is for four years with the possibility of extension for another four years.

Sports Advisor Delegate, Felix Brokateexplained that this initiative is part of the Zaragoza City Council’s commitment to promoting health through local policies supporting sports.

This new program is specifically designed for patients Cardiac Rehabilitation Unit of the Aragonese Health Service, with which the Re-late association works closely. After discharge, these people are advised to undertake regular exercise appropriate to their personal condition, which includes both aerobic and muscle strength exercises.

Thus, cardiac patients will have at their disposal a resource to help them through the recovery processthrough the support of professionals specializing in physical activity and sports sciences, and will enhance their ability to take care of their health, as well as improve their well-being and socialization.

At municipal sports centres, Re-late users will first undergo a personalized interview to learn about their doctor’s recommendations, as well as their preferences and concerns. From there, employees will create training plan with targeted actions or specific exercises, always using a heart rate monitor. Each patient’s progress will be recorded in a tracking log to track program participation and outcomes and to enable this assessment to be included in medical reviews.

The agreement also provides various actions such as specific training for fitness and health technicians on the subject, giving talks at sports centers to all subscribers with the aim of preventing heart disease through a healthy lifestyle, and accrediting municipal institutions with the Cardiosaludable Sports seal. Center.

Repeated lateness is Association of Cardiac Rehabilitation Patients of Aragona non-profit organization that promotes the prevention of cardiovascular diseases, improving the prognosis and quality of life of people suffering from this disease or at risk of cardiovascular diseases.

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