Napoli was abandoned by Zielinski

Napoli today officially made it clear that their relationship with Piotr Zielinski is about to end.. The Pole, who played 355 games, scored 50 goals and won two titles (Coppa Italia and Scudetto) as a star, has been in talks with Inter over his move as a free agent for months. Milan is already considering the possibility of including him and Taremi in the next course.and the southerners, who, together with De Laurentiis, have already left clues about the midfielder’s future (“At Inter he would earn less than here,” the president said), today They decided to exclude him from the list of champions..

Napoli was abandoned by Zielinski

Talented midfielder will not be available against Barça and the Azzurri decided to bet on Hamed Junior Traorearrived on loan from Bournemouth.

Italian Champion replaced Zielinski and Elmas on his staff (who went to Leipzig) and Zerbin (now in Monza) with former Sassuolo player, Mazzocchi and Ngonghe. However, there was no room for another, recently signed one. Dendonckerwho will only play in Serie A.

Napoli was abandoned by Zielinski

Last summer, Zielinski rejects large Saudi offer (Al-Ahly put 30 million on the table for Naples and about 12 for the footballer), and his “no, thank you” made me think about a possible long-term extension with his current set. Napoli tried to make important offers, but no agreement was reached, and in the meantime the midfielder began contacts with Marotta’s Inter, a specialist in persuading free agents. Before this panorama De Laurentiis decided to take the lead in the Champions League from Zielinski, and Mazzarri will have to wait for Traore to grow. The Ivorian has not played since September and has been suffering from malaria, but Castel Volturno is extremely optimistic about his full recovery. If he manages to revive the version that impressed during his time at Sassuolo, Napoli could retain his services by exercising an option to buy, worth around €25 million. He will thus become the heir to Zielinski, who, at the age of 30, will begin the final journey of his career in the Nerazzurri jersey. And he will spend his final Neapolitan months watching the Champions League from home.

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