NASA has discovered for the first time that something “forbidden” flew out of a black hole, disrupting astronomers’ plans

Conceptual diagram of a black hole with an energy release. POT
Francisco Martin Leon

Francisco Martin Leon 4 min.

The first thing to ask yourself is.

What is a black hole?

black hole This is an astronomical object with the gravitational force is so strong that nothing, not even light, can escape it.

The “surface” of a black hole, called the event horizon, defines the limit at which the speed required to evade it exceeds the speed of light, which is the speed limit in space. Matter and radiation are trapped and cannot escape..

A simulation of a supermassive black hole, showing how it distorts a stellar region and traps light, creating a black hole silhouette. NASA Goddard Space Flight Center; Background image ESA/Gaia/DPAC

have been carefully studied two main classes of black holes. stellar mass black holesthree to ten times the mass of the Sun extend throughout our Milky Way galaxy, while supermassive monsters Ranging from 100,000 to billions of solar masses, they are found at the centers of most large galaxies, including our own.

But this scheme was broken many years ago when NASA scientists noticed something strange in a large black hole.

New discovery: detection of energy release from a black hole

Two NASA space telescopes, including Nuclear spectroscopic telescope (NuSTAR), A few years ago, they suddenly noticed that the black hole’s corona had “come off” from the supermassive black hole..

Then a huge pulse of X-ray energy appeared. This type of phenomenon has not been observed before.

For the first time, we can link the launch of the corona to the flare. This will help us understand how supermassive black holes power some of the brightest objects in space.” said Dan Wilkinsfrom St. Mary’s University. This is one of the most important discoveries to date..

Conceptual image of a supermassive black hole and energetic radiation. POT

NuSTAR Principal Investigator Fiona Harrisonnoted that the nature of the energy source was “mysterious”, but added that being able to record the event should provide some clues about the black hole’s size and structure, as well as (hopefully) some “new information” about how black holes work. Luckily for us, this black hole is still 324 million light years away.

Whatever strange things he did, it shouldn’t have any impact on our corner of space.

Although we like to think that we understand space pretty well, most of what we consider knowledge is just theory that has not yet been disproved. That’s why, Looks like some textbooks will have to be rewritten.

This entry was published in News on May 19, 2024 by Francisco Martin Leon.

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