Natalie Portman’s story about Benjamin Millepied cheating rumors

The image of the “French lover” comes out for an encore in the style of prendre pour son. Alors, answered by Natalie Portman Vanity Fair For a special Hollywood number, the actress asked a question about the speculation surrounding the marriage of Benjamin Millepied.

The 42-year-old actress answered the question: “C’est une choose affreuse, et je ne souhaite absolument pas y contribuer. »

A journalist who can say that she “doesn’t like to ask questions in this world” and that Natalie Portman forgot: “Je peux l’imaginer.”

Pepere in Los Angeles

If the actress a lion compartment for commentators, it reminds the magazine of rapport, Hollywood style. Et loin de l’image slureuse qu’on s’en fait, Natalie Portman “the best Hollywood life awaits me in Los Angeles.” “Nous n’allons pas à des fêtes hollywoodiennes, nous dînons à la maison, dans le jardin,” she assured.

The couple met on a date black SwanBenjamin Millepied works as a film choreographer. Ils sont mariés quelques années later and two children, Aleph, 12, and Amalia, six.

In early July, rumors began to curate Benjamin Millepied’s story, ensuring that the couple would immediately remember the coffins. Le mois suivant, des photos d’eux sans leurs alliances available for reflections on separation, most of all in the last days, ils sont toujours bel et bien mariés.

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