Navell Madani claims that they are a friend of Jebril Zonga, whose name is Rihanna, and enjoy the messages he accepts according to the rules.

Sur-les-Plateau Cà vousNavell Madani and his comrade Jebril Zonga, who accomplished –everyday life“, the son of a great lady. Rihanna became a meme-tentet of the actor’s seducer.

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Navell Madani returns to the stage with a new performance Navell, General Courtdans lequel elle evoque ses hardés for avoir unfant. The comedian shares the life of the son of comrade Jebril Zonghi, which is the remark made in this remark. Les Miserables by Laj Lee in 2019. Il a également joué à ses côtés dans Juskichi tout va bien, mini-series that was released on Netflix. In the plateau of everyday life, she was always delighted by the humor associated with difficult collaborations. “It is a fact Xavier Dolan. (…) Il est parti aux Oscars, etc. (…) Alors il Fallait Relire (le scénario), retravailler le personanage pour lui donner de la nuance, etc. Il est parti en cacahuète and after I I’m under threat (…) Il nous a wrong pressure pas possible and il Accepté deux the week before the tournament, can you imagine?“, avait-elle I have advanced.

Navell Madani evokes the responses he sends to cells whose intention is to commit seduction – mari sur les réseaux sociaux

Invite from Cà vous to talk about the son of a new spectacle, Navell Madani already mentions young women who love the son of a companion, provoke fun on the emission plateau. “At this Oscar ceremony, among Hollywood stars, your mec se faitdraguer pas par n’importe qui”, Patrick Cohen came down. In fact, it is Rihanna who is tempted to become the realist’s companion. “And I see quotes from lullabies that are written in Rezo Sotso, it seems that I am the community manager of my mari. I’m on Instagram” I explained to at-elle. “Je gère sa page, on tous les deux les mots de passe et je viewe. And il ya une nana qui lui a écrit dernièrement. Veridique! “Laisse moi deux semaines dans ta vie et je te fais oublier Nawell Madani”“, at-elle raconté. Ce à quoi l’jumoriste lui a repondu: “Viens au McDonald de la porte de Pantin, je t’tends”.

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“Moi j’ai eu une petite” confirm, comedian

These messages don’t seem to bother Navell Madani, who prefers to be a user. “When you see a period of 20 years written with… But maybe Rihanna could write “ça va” with a part, a part!” It all depends on what the attack I noticed. “Les nanas lui envoient des photos de leur boule. I can’t compete. Moi j’ai eu une petite, mon boule m’arrive au genou. I compete with other chosen ones, but it’s more difficult.”in conclusion, he retains a sense of bad humor.

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