Neighbors forced to put up a sign after what they found on the ground: ‘It’s very small’

If there is one place where debate and confrontation are commonplace, it is Neighboring Communities. If in some of them there is a good atmosphere and harmony between owners and tenants, then in others there are constant “frictions” that end the patience of those who live in the same block.

Community of neighbors

Community of neighbors


When this patience runs out, the most normal thing is to solve the problem by knocking on the door of the neighbor who is causing it. Nowadays, if face-to-face communication is not possible, some of these communities have WhatsApp groups where one can discuss and comment on these types of issues. However, there is something very common in blocks posters posted in the elevator or at the entrance to the building with messages that in some cases are not lost.

A Twitter profile whose content is aimed specifically at collecting all these posters to share and see the reaction of users is @LiosdeVecinos. “Troubles, quarrels and oddities of the surrounding communities” This is what this user promises as stated in their profile description. And that’s exactly what one of the latest posters posted on this account suggests.

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“Attention to the “pig” who lives among us and “loves fruit””can be read at the beginning of this sheet, published by none other than the President of the Community, who apparently wanted to refer to the President of the Madrid Community, Isabel Diaz Ayuso. From community president to community president. But the sign didn’t stop there.

Archival image of the poster

Archival image of the poster


“From what is valued he is very small…I also mean the brain. If any neighbors recognize him, please report him so he can be microchipped and clinically monitored. all the way to the pig. President,” the poster’s author concluded with the signature, attaching an image used condom what he found on the ground.

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