Neon Blood demonstrates in its first trailer that Spain is a leader in the field of graphic adventures.

Spain has a very long history of success in graphic adventures. Hollywood Monsters, Crime Abbey, Randal’s Monday and The Runaways are just some of the examples our industry brings to the genre. The Madrid folks at ChaoticBrain Studios are pursuing this goal by embracing the cyberpunk context. Welcome to Neon Blood.

Its trailer at the beginning of this paragraph already confirms beautiful 2D sprites in a 3D modeled environment. On practice, what is a 2.5D game. The image gains depth, and the pixel art gives shape to the characters. “In the art section, we have two very distinct and contrasting aesthetics that further highlight the difference between the two cities: Blind City is pure cyberpunk, while Bright City has a more futuristic aesthetic marked by science fiction,” explain his managers in a press release. .

We will control Axel McCoin, a Blind City detective who will fight the injustice caused by “the stark class difference between two cities existing in the dystopian society in which they live, becoming a symbol of revolution.” During the game we can interact with the scenario through detective vision.. The screen will darken, and those objects around you that have a response from McCoin will light up.

We talked about it being a graphic adventure, but… In combat, it becomes a turn-based RPG “based on the greats of the JRPG genre.”. Your tools include special abilities and the use of ultimate attacks. Everything is flexible, so you can use the action that works best at the right moment in the fight. On the other hand, Wild Cat Records is responsible for creating the soundtrack.

Neon Blood is expected to arrive soon PS5 and PC (Steam).

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