New on Prime: This film has value for Jennifer Lawrence (The Hunger Games) at the Oscars – Actus Ciné

In 2013, French audiences discovered the romantic comedy Happiness Therapy starring another outstanding duo, Jennifer Lawrence and Bradley Cooper.

Faire une comédie Romantique Non Conventionnelle. C’était le souhait du realisateur David O. Russell performed in his debut tour in 2010, Happiness Therapy, Adapted from Matthew Quick’s book. Cet OVNI cinématographique Suit l’histoire deux âmes perdues qui vont trouver du soutien mutuel.

Pat (Cooper) – tout perdu: sa maison, son travail et sa femme. He returned home as part of his obligations to his parents. Soon I met Tiffany (Lawrence), a happy young woman in a moving park. Inattentive retention begins with the formation of an essayer de reprendre between you and the rest of the ensemble in the main relations with the persons concerned.

Bradley Cooper (“Bad Trip”) and Jennifer Lawrence (“The Hunger Games”) are offered two contrasting roles. At the time of touring in this film, the actress was 22 years old, and she was known for her role as Katniss Everdeen in the dystopian saga.

Don’t miss this quick overview of Happiness Therapy. The film is primarily a cynical comedy that risks leaving you feeling sad by not following themes related to bipolarity, depression or nymphomania.

Prize for the girl feu

The David O. Russell film makes its festival tour before departing. It is presented in Toronto, at the BAFTA Awards, at the Golden Globes… and at the Oscars. This year, Happiness Therapy was named in 9 categories. Once again, Jennifer Lawrence will be first. The critically acclaimed performance earned the Hunger Games star her first gold statuette. The actress will tell us about the coup de l’émotion qu’elle tombera dans les escaliers juste avant d’aller recupérer son prix sur scène:

Jennifer Lawrence, when repeating the feat, gave superb performances in Joy, Don’t Look Up or the encore American Bluff. Today, realized by David O. Russell, became the marking of the retrouvelles l’année suivante among the two actors.

Happiness Therapy is available on Prime after February 10th.

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