Official William Lai wins Taiwan’s presidential election

Ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) candidate William Lai has won Taiwan’s presidential election this Saturday with 40.73% of the vote, according to provisional results that showed 87% of the vote.

According to the ‘Taipei Times’ newspaper, Lai’s two main rivals have already recognized his victory. Hou Yu Ih will be the presidential candidate of China’s Nationalist Party Kuomintang.Second highest voter turnout with 33.27%Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) candidate Ko ahead of Wen Ze, who would have achieved a 26.01% According to Central Election Commission data, of support.

Lai profile like this Successor to outgoing President Tsai Ing-wenEven from the PPD, it is considered the formation most distant from Beijing’s position.

The outcome of the legislative elections is yet to be decided., where the PPD could lose the absolute majority it had gained over the past eight years. The party currently holds 62 of the 113 seats in the House, but we should remember the emergence of the relatively new Taiwan People’s Party, which could change the assembly landscape.

The elections were held in an environment of complete peace But Taiwan police have confirmed 92 cases of election law violations, half of which involved taking photographs of ballot papers or bringing phones to the polling station.

America congratulated William Lai

The United States has congratulated William Lai, President-elect of Taiwan, defender of the island’s current position against China’s sovereignty claims, on his victory in this Saturday’s elections.

“I want to congratulate Dr. (William) Lai Ching Teh on his victory in the presidential election in Taiwan,” US Secretary of State Antony Blinken said on his X social network account.

“We also congratulate the people of Taiwan for participating in free and fair elections and demonstrating the strength of their democratic system,” Blinken said. While department spokesman Matthew Miller expressed a desire to continue a “strong” what he described as a “long informal relationship”. ,

The United States is a great international supporter of Taiwan, but always with ambiguity, given that the island has never formally declared its independence.

Miller praised Washington and Taipei’s shared “interests and values,” including “maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait.”

“We look forward to further strengthening our long-standing informal ties and promoting shared interests and values, including maintaining peace and stability across the Taiwan Strait,” he said.

Taiwan was the last stronghold that Mao Zedong’s People’s Liberation Army could not take during the revolution that ended in 1949, so formally the island remains the Republic of China, as opposed to the People’s Republic of China, with its capital in Beijing.

The Chinese government considers the island a part of the country and under its sovereignty and warns that it can establish its control over it even by force. Taiwan, for its part, is supported by the United States and its allies.


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