On this #9January, teachers protest in many states of the country regarding labor demands (picture)
Education professionals began protests in several states across the country this Tuesday, January 9, in their fight for work rights and labor demands.
In Mérida, Miranda, Táchira, Caracas, Monagas are some of the regions that united to demand a salary adjustment after more than 660 days without a salary increase.
carmen teresa marquezThe president of the Venezuelan Federation of Teachers declared in an interview for VPI that “Education is still in emergency, teachers are still in rebellion,”
Regarding salary increases, Marquez argued that “to cover the food basket you have to have 552 dollars and the salary of a category 6 teacher is Bs 798, that is 21 dollars.”
“We hope the government will respond because if not we will continue to protest. He announced, “On January 15, Teacher’s Day, there will be a national protest.”
Similarly, he stressed that “Yes, there are school dropouts, in recent years we have seen many children on the streets, especially high school students (…) there are school dropouts and migrant teachers.”
#Area , Merida/Frida Guerrero
Teachers from the state of Merida gathered in Bolivar Square in the Andean capital to protest their labor demands. Carlos Gómez, president of SUMA Fetramagisterio, is leading the demonstration #9January pic.twitter.com/QF6YD83bvr
– TalCual (@DiarioTalCual) 9 January 2024
Miranda teachers begin protest demanding better salaries
Teachers occupy La Hoyada Avenue in 2024 Los Angeles on the second day of their protests. Today there are 662 days without increase in salary or pension
Via: @dmurolo pic.twitter.com/QDS7WIM3O6
– Urgent Venezuela (@Urgente_VE) 9 January 2024
, it #9January We are with our teachers, retirees and pensioners in the protests in Caracas to demand our rights!
, This is a year of victory and conquest; To reclaim the rights that have been given to us and taken away from us.
, For normal growth… pic.twitter.com/WJ2PhS4jAC
– Popular Will (@PopularVoluntad) 9 January 2024
#9January in teacher unions #monagas They gather in Plaza el Estudiante de #maturin Demanding salary from the government after more than 660 days without increment. Unions report that teachers have been threatened if they protest. pic.twitter.com/lgOHrvzetZ
– Jefferson Civira (@JeffCivira) 9 January 2024
Venezuela has the lowest minimum wage and pensions in Latin America:
130 B.S. = $3.6 monthly
Today #9January Workers and retirees gather in Parque Carabobo, Caracas, demanding answers after 662 days without a raise. pic.twitter.com/IDL70fQgN3
– Provea (@_Provea) 9 January 2024