On this site you can send your name to the south pole of the Moon.

An artist’s concept of NASA’s complete VIPER design, which will provide close-up views of the location and concentration of ice and other resources at the Moon’s South Pole. (NASA/Daniel Rutter)

POT launched a campaign that allows anyone to send their name to an inhospitable South Pole of the Moon, this is through the rover Viperwhose mission is scheduled to launch at the end of 2024.

Those interested will be given time until March 15th register your information at www3.nasa.gov/send-your-name-with-viper/#user-information, website included by the US Space Agency for this process.

All those who want to be part of this space adventure, the purpose of which is to explore the lunar surface in search of ice and other resources necessary for future human settlements, will only have to confirm:

– Your name.

– Surname.

– Code from 4 to 7 digits.

A page where users can register their name. (POT)

The opportunity to participate in this initiative follows the success of a similar campaign with Perseverance Rover On Mars.

However, NASA has not yet specified the specific method by which names will be stored on the Viper, although it is expected to be methods such as digital memory wave inscription on the chip.

Expectations are high, especially among the youngest, who find opportunity in these projects “travel” into space in a symbolic way.

NASA will use innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before. (Image/NASA)

Rover Viper is part of an ambitious mission Artemiswhich aims to return people to the moon after more than 50 years, including the first woman.

Before this big step, Viper will explore one of the most hostile areas of the satellite, characterized by extreme temperatures close to -200 degrees Celsius and zero exposure to sunlight at certain points.

NASA decided to subcontract the rover to the Moon through the company Astroboticwho will be responsible for completing the mission Mission oneincluding the Viper in the lander that the rocket will carry SpaceX, space company owned by Elon Musk.

This approach is part of the initiative CLPS (Commercial Lunar Payload Services), which strives for more profitable and efficient commercial cooperation between the public and private sectors.

Successful launch of the Peregrine mission to the Moon despite an energy anomaly

The Sapsan module runs out of power on its way to the Moon after a successful launch. (EFE/EPA/CRISTOBAL HERRERA-ULASKEVICH)

Peregrine Mission One (PM1) from an American company Astrobotic successfully went to the moon with Cape Canaveral Space Force Station in Florida, transporting tools POT and cargo from different countries.

However, the spacecraft is facing power difficulties due to an “anomaly” that prevents it from maintaining the correct orientation of its solar panels relative to the Sun, which is critical to continuing its trajectory towards the lunar surface.

The launch was carried out using a rocket Vulcan Centaur from United Launch Alliance (ULA)marking its debut in service.

Although Peregrine was able to enter a safe operating mode after activating its propulsion systems, the anomaly threatens the continuation of the mission, which is the first commercial and robotic mission in the United States intended for an Earth satellite.

The American lunar spacecraft is losing fuel. (ASTROBOTIC)

Astrobotic engineers are currently assessing the issue and an update is expected. Before the incident, telemetry reception was confirmed via NASA Deep Space Network and satisfactory startup of on-board systems.

Astrobotic For its part, it confirmed that the module was correctly separated from the second stage of the rocket and that the systems were successfully turned on before failure.

In addition to equipment and experiments, Vulcan Centaur took off with additional cargo, including such memorabilia as DNA samples of three former American presidents and the ashes of actors from the famous Star Trek series.

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