Oppenheimer bomb | Le Devoir

This is a rich cinema that I have achieved. Here the film events of 2023 are in full swing Oppenheimer (VF) Christopher Nolan, who is selling a franchise worth a billion dollars at the global box office in America. Or, from the biography of the “father of the atomic bomb,” sujet sombre s’il en est, on visitait un succes moins Explosif. To watch a film in IMAX 70mm format, millions of film fans park hundreds of kilometers away: un phénomène. Place: On Rotten Tomatoes, Nolan has created the best cinematic film of the last 25 years. A few days after Blu-ray and 4KOppenheimer If you manage to make a foray now, cinema will be reborn on a cinematic bomb.

“I was not interested in physique numbers with Nobel laureate Kip Thorne, who collaborated with my films Interstellar (Interstellar) and etc. Dogma. “J’étais donc predispose à m’intéresser à la Physique Nucléaire,” admitted Christopher Nolan at the “Virthelle à laquelle” conference. Le Devoir pu assistant

Also participating are presenters Cillian Murphy, Emily Blunt and Robert Downey Jr., as well as producer Emma Thomas (a film couple in town). Autant de propos Recueillis qui constituting a beautiful cado de fin d’année cinéphile.

FilmedAmerican Prometheusbiography of J. Robert Oppenheimer (Cillian Murphy) by Kai Bird and Martin J. Sherwin.

In this case, Emma Thomas was the first one who wanted the film to become a reality.

“When I started reading this huge bouquet, my first thought was my demanding comment from Chris allait pouvoir en tirer un gran divertissant,” “relate-t-elle.”

La perplexité laissa toutefois quickly makes me enthusiastic.

“L’avantage d’une adaptation comme celle-ci est que l’ouvrage de Kai Bird et Martin J. Sherwin is 700 pages long,” notes Christopher Nolan. Martin, in particular, has spent 25 years in research. Je benéficiais donc de toutes ces données incroyables, de toutes ces anecdos de personnes qui étaient là au moment des faits… Même s’il n’était pas nécessairement évident, à la Lecture du livre, qu’il avait un potentiel cinématographique, pour moi , one of the things I have accessed to some of life’s most beautiful moments (D’Oppenheimer), and I know I have an incredible resource in my application. »

The requirement is accrued

This does not mean that the realist and the screenwriter were born in the content of the biography. For example, he surrendered to Washington to review the extensive documentation regarding the Atomic Energy Commission of the United States and Oppenheimer audience, in which Oppenheimer participates, although the security demarche cell against Oppenheimer and our party Lewis Strauss (Robert Downey Jr.).

“I can consult the Senate archives and read the secret audience transcripts: 1,000 pages, exact film reels. I worked on all of this. Roughly speaking, my process is to read the lecture notes – the books and the transcriptions – and also have me say something about the story if you try to read the information about the dinner. »

I sat down, everything will be digested soon. “L’idée n’était pas de transform les spectateurs en psiciens quantiques diplomamés,” said Christopher Nolan.

“J’ai ainsi pu determiner quelles étaient les choses auxquelles je devais vraiment rester fidèle, les elements clés qui m’émouvaient… I can begin to develop a suitable structure. »

Ici, le cinéaste ajoute avoir été fascinané par le fait qu’à this époque survint ce qu’il appelle un “change de la paradigme majeur” dans la scientifique et humane, à la suite de l’elaboration de la theorie de la relativité par . Albert Einstein (Tom Conti).

“Je voulais qu’on ressente à quel point ce bouleversement – it is radical, and à quel point le change of life – été puissant,” summary-t-il.

At the stage of ecriture egalement, Nolan decided that he would become one of the secondary and tertiary persons that were needed.

“I didn’t choose composite characters. I told my distribution chef that we enjoy unique images, unique energy, for all these little partitions. The diversity of people involved in the Manhattan Project is one of the most interesting aspects of this story. »

Le Poids de L’Histoire

In terms of logistics, the demand for films due to intense efforts, the car is good, les moyens does not dispose of the production coming due to the ambitions of Christopher Nolan. As Emma Thomas explains: “C’était un défi, parce que nous voulions vraiment sortir le movie en été, et atteindre un public aussi big que perhaps… tout en sachant que c’est un Film qui Traite de Gros Concepts, lasting three hours and these activities are R (people must be accompanied by an adult only). For these reasons we can’t do it because we don’t need the money we want. For example, a calendar of tournaments by tournaments. »

For memory, budgetOppenheimer Its value is estimated at 100 million US dollars. Comparative title, Dogma in coûta le double (and rapporta le tiers des reketes).

These contradictions, the interpreters are not the most important heroes, everyone does not know that the words of intelligence lie in the leur maître d’oeuvre.

“J’ai dit oui avant même de lire le scénario”, avoiding Cillian Murphy, who pushed aside the implementer for four triumphs.

“After that I saw something that was huge. I’m talking about the importance (of the film) of looking at humanity and history. It’s not a common occurrence in a career when you are offered this genre of role (…) It’s a huge responsibility, the embodiment of this character, this icon that changed the world. But I found Chris in a bar and I was hooked into the best network imaginable. »

As Katherine Oppenheimer, in the “invisible protagonist pose”, Emily Blunt was part of the conscious heir to the separation complex.

“Still accessible qualities worthy of admiration, the little son returns to the croissant with alcohol. She is the stabilizing force for Oppenheimer, with Frank’s son being able to annoy people. Je suis toujours très curieuse de la vie des personnes qui semblent antipathiques. Je me demande pourquoi elles sont comme ça (…) Kitty avait un sens du spectacle et savait l’effet qu’elle produisait. Sa voix, je l’ai basée sur une ingénue des années 1930 et 1940, qui s’est ensuite laissée aller et est devenue this vieille bonne femme vraiment fantastique qui buvait beaucoup. »

Robert Downey Jr. was surprised by the demand that he be given Advena if
Lewis Strauss and J. Robert Oppenheimer s’étaient entendus.

” Comment: “Les chooses Seraient-elles Passées Si Oppenheimer et Strauss n’avaient pas eu thisette acrimonie et avaient pu travailler ensemble?” But in this trait of my character, le “méchant”, faute d’un meilleur mot, il y avait beaucoup de des desquelles m’inspirer. »

Reasoner in the present

On the occasion of entering the game, the scale of successOppenheimer déjoua les pronostics de l’industrie. Vite
Conquise par la Vision de son partenaire creatif et mari, Emma Thomas, elle, n’en fut pas si étonnée: “I thought that c’est quand il m’a dit ce qu’il comptait faire à la fin, avec this dernière copy, which I saw in action, which functioned after the public act, and which resonated in the present. »

She was a mind, a billion reasons.

I filmed it Oppenheimer It is available on VSD on all platforms..

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