Paris La Défense Arena: Taylor Swift concerts due to Covid clusters?

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Vous n’avez sans doute pas pu passer à côté. From 9 to 12 May 2024, American superstar Taylor Swift will give several concerts at the Parisian La Défense Arena in Nanterre (Hautes-de-Seine).

Symptoms that have not gone away

A few more days after these concerts, Swifty plenums, he admires the best thetas, defives, de-ne-ki-kule… Certain things do not raise doubts about the results of Covid tests, which evoke positive emotions.

“The comment that all the illnesses after the Eras Tour are crazy”, “On everyone caught by Covid, I’m sure” or “Je suis encore Malade du Eras Tour, j’ai un Mal de Gorge de taré” And I feel that this is super-untrue, this is serious”, sont les nombreux messages, visible on social networks depuis plusieurs jours.


on this ensemble ptdr #erastour #erastourtaylorswift #covid

♬ they are original – pineapples

Event of organizers, Taylor Swift concerts in Reuni 180,000 spectators in four days. “In 2023, the success of Taylor Swift concerts awaits us from the possible origin of Covid-19 clusters. Les Conditions sont alors réunies, car on passe plus de trois heures à chanter, crier, hurler son bonheur d’être ensemble en dieux clos,” by epidemiologist Antoine Flahaut-sur-X.

Dans son dernier bilan, May 14, French Ministry of Health Expansion of urgent passage for suspected Covidnotamment chez les moins de 15 ans (+ 20%) and les 15 ans et plus (+28%).

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