Poor creatures: how are tours of the Paris scenes of the film with Emma Stone going?

In Yorgos Lanthimos’ new film Pauvres Creature, Emma Stone’s character reveals major names in Paris. The film is on tour in the French capital?

Paris And cinematic productions are a long love story. De nombreux cinéastes étrangers, et notamment américains, posen leurs valises et leurs caméras dans le capitale française, le temps d’un tournage. This applies to Greek cinema. Yorgos Lanthimos ? In the new film Poor creaturesnot a foray est prévue ce mercredi January 17, Bella Baxter, embodied character Emma Stone, park le monde en quête de découverte. Son odyssée la mène dans plusieurs grandes capitales, parmi lesquelles Paris, où elle arpente les rues où palaces and brothels coexist.

Pauvres Créatures: new film by Yorgos Lanthimos with Emma Stone - Bande-annoncePauvres Créatures: new film by Yorgos Lanthimos with Emma Stone - Bande-annoncePauvres Créatures: new film by Yorgos Lanthimos with Emma Stone - Bande-annoncePauvres Créatures: new film by Yorgos Lanthimos with Emma Stone - Bande-annonce Poor creatures: new film by Yorgos Lanthimos with Emma Stone – Avis
Directed by Yorgos Lanthimos, Pauvres Créatures is a gothic story reminiscent of Frankenstein, starring Emma Stone, Mark Ruffalo and Willem Dafoe. Going to the cinema, January 17, 2024 (Lire la suite)

But with third-party aesthetics, you can ask whether the film is good and prosperous. I toured Paris. And according to the titles of the interviews given by the film crew, the ensemble of external scenery was actually recreated in the studio. From the film’s press file, you will learn that the set design team was inspired by the Paris of the time. Belle Epoque for conception: ““Nous avons toujours essay d’imaginer que l’histoire se déroulait dans le passé, mais avec la vision du futur”I explained the chef’s decorating Shauna Heath.

Don no, Poor creatures This tour is not in Paris, but in Budapest, in the Origo studio. Moreover, Yorgos Lanthimos’s vision from the French capital is unique in its genre and is a piece of discovery.

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