pourquoi ce spationaute enggé sur le Film a Completement Perdu ses moyens face of Eva Green

Mercredi January 10, 2024 at 11:00 – even
Thomas Fourcroy

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Le mercredi January 10 at 20:55, Diffuse art Next. An original film in which actors play in public…

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Debark on November 27, 2019 in the dark halls of the Hexagon. Next to stop the designers on the topic of real life in cinema: the lives of women astronauts. I, the realist Alisa Vinokur, spoke about the daily life of a certain Sara Loro, spationaute et maman. Called to take part in a dangerous mission, he will have to prepare to be separated from his 8-year-old girl, Sarah. The child who was lost by his father Thomas, where he was separated… An original story, but terribly realistic, carried out by a triple cast.

Next : film tournament in a hall outside the shelter

For kissing my son, the film “Alice Vinokur before a great choice.” These are pas de decors or special layouts designed for the film, but rather mythical places: the base of the European Spatial Agency in Cologne, the city of Star City, the closed area around Moscow, as well as the Baikonur Cosmodrome. , where flights towards the International Space Station are launched! Des endroits peu communs accueillant une Ravie, qui a du s’entrainer dur comme for que leurs faits et gestes collent à ceux des vrais astronauts. On screen, illusion is parfait. Matt Dillon in the fake role of Thomas Pesquet (who is preparing the first volume of “Pendant at the Tournament”), when the famous heroine Sara Loro plays plus images that are inherent in the features of Eva Green. The actress was captivated by this entrance into social hours, as was her trust in the columns Women’s magazine : “This is the luxury of a tournaire in sacred places and en lien avec la conquête spacee. Avoir de vrais entraîneurs pendant to the scenes, c’était fou. dans la vraie vie. C’est ce qu’offre ce métier.”

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Temporary attorney Eva Green, le spationaute a craque

Although the actress, daughter of Marlene Jaubert and Walter Greene, is initially impressive, she is also known as one of her lovers. In fact, Luca Parmitano, responsible for the preparation and production of the film in Italy, est restée bouche bee devant la vedette des Three Musketeers and etc. Dreamers. A fan of Eva Green, the shy genre face of the star, as Alisa Vinokur told Vanity Fair: “Il etait amoureux d’elle after adolescence. Donc il perdait complètement ses moyens.”

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