Preventive medicine recommends wearing a mask in medical centers and in crowded places.

Considering the current seasonal epidemic wave of acute respiratory diseases, Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Health Management (SEMPSPGS) considers “highly recommended” use of a mask in medical centers, social health centers and residential buildings, and also in crowd of people indoors for example cinemas, schools, universities, workplaces or public transport.

In addition, preventive medicine and public health experts have expressed concern about failure to take standardized precautions both the general population and medical personnel and their environment, despite the recorded increase in the transmission of respiratory viruses.

Given this reality, they urge administrations to implement proactive policies to address these public health issues and remember that “situations like the current one can be avoided if every year, in September, health response plan for possible seasonal wavessetting levels and intensifying medical care and non-pharmacological interventions.

The Spanish Society of Preventive Medicine, Public Health and Health Management establishes six basic measures to prevent a periodic recurrence of the current situation. First of all, remember the importance of wearing a mask in healthcare institutions, social and medical centers and in crowded places, regardless of the presence of clinical symptoms, especially during seasonal periods of high incidence of respiratory infections.

Likewise, he proposes making mask-wearing mandatory in health centers and limiting visits to sick patients to essential caregivers, with appropriate rotation. It also recommends promoting vaccination of health care personnel and caregivers against viruses that cause the greatest morbidity and mortality, including SARSCOV-2 and influenza.

It also suggests making it easier for workers with mild symptoms or sick family members under their care to telework or adapt workplaces to minimize the risk of transmission.

Finally, he points out that air conditioning systems need to be adapted to reduce the risk of transmission of respiratory infections, advocating high rates of air renewal in conditioned spaces, even despite the costs of energy efficiency. So, calls for a transition to a health system based on prevention rather than responseviewing prevention as an investment rather than a cost, promoting a more sustainable and effective approach.

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