Professional soldier dies after explosives attack in Urabá – Medellin – Colombia

In the Pan-American Clinic of Apartado, in Urba Antioquia, Non-commissioned officers and soldiers are under medical observation who were injured early this Wednesday After the explosive charge is activated to the route of the vehicle in which they were transported.

attacked in Secondary road that connects the Antioquia municipalities of Turbo and San Pedro de Urabá, Jurisdiction of the village of Los Enamorados, where Professional soldier Luis Orlando Caballero Caballero, 35 years old.

(You can read: This is the new commander who has arrived at Aburra Valley Metropolitan Police)
According to the information provided, Caballero Caballero was a husband and father of two children, and tHe had 16 years of service in the National Army.,

Originally fromToledo, Norte deSantander, he was part of Infantry Battalion No. 47 of the Seventeenth Brigade, General Francisco de Paula Vélez.

Soldier Luis Orlando Caballero Caballero and alias Indio

The attack, which was allegedly ordered by ‘Indio’ (right), took the life of soldier Luis Orlando Caballero Caballero (left).


Army – Private Collection

According to Andrés Julián Rendón, the governor of Antioquia, a man named Wilder de Jesús Alcaraz Morales, nicknamed ‘The Indian’, Alleged leader of the Juan de Dios Usuga substructure of the ‘Gulf Clan’, Will be responsible for what happened. The Antioquia government offered a reward of up to 50 million pesos for information about his location.

(You may be interested: This is the alleged leader of the ‘Gulf Clan’ who would be behind the attack on the army)

This is not the first time that members of the public force have been murdered in this area of ​​Antioquia. On July 31, 2022, in the village of La Trampa, Turbo, Second Sergeant Guido Inbacchi Samboni was murdered.

The non-commissioned officer, belonging to the 47th Infantry Battalion, was traveling in civilian clothes on a motorcycle to attend a medical appointment and on the road between San Pedro de Urabá and the El Tres district, he was approached by armed men who shot him. Gave. Below

Four years ago, on April 11, 2018, on the road connecting San Pedro de Urabá to Arboletes, Eight police officers accompanying a commission from the Land Restitution Unit were killed in the attack using explosives.

(Also read: Andrés Julián Rendón’s first decisions after the Security Council in Antioquia)

In the incident, Deputy Mayor Fabio Sarmiento Sarmiento and patrol members Navarre Alfonso Sierra Franco, John Jairo González Cardona, José David Pérez Hernández, Darlene Rodríguez Sarabia, Jorge Pacheco Solano, Giovanni Rodríguez Castaño and José Alejandro Sade Ballesteros lost their lives.


(TagstoTranslate)professional soldier

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