REDUCING URIC ACID: How to Lower Uric Acid and Avoid Joint Problems: Try This Food!

Uric Acid: A Recommended Superfood for Reducing Uric AcidS.D.

Do you have high uric acid levels and should you lower them? We will help you achieve this in the best possible way: taking care of your diet, which will also allow you to carry Eat better and lose those extra pounds.


Partially. ¿What is uric acid? Experts say that it is “a substance formed in the body after the digestion of proteins, which generates a substance called purine, the excess of which in the body leads to the formation of uric acid crystals, which accumulate in the joints, causing severe pain.”

Pumpkin sponge cake.

Why does uric acid appear?

The best way to control it is to watch your diet and control of certain foods that do not affect its increase.

In fact, you should know that there are certain foods that make it rise and others that do the opposite. Generally, Additionally, uric acid does not cause serious health problems because it is usually a waste product that is eliminated naturally. our kidneys through urine.

But there is a risk when the body consumes a lot of protein and this uric acid accumulates in the joints, tendons and kidneys, causing what is called gouty arthritis (gout).which is very painful).

Symptoms of high uric acid levels

  • Joint deformity

  • Redness of the joints

  • Pain and swelling in joints (especially fingers, hands, knees, ankles, heels and toes).

  • Difficulty moving the affected joint.

How is uric acid level determined?

Urinalysis is performed using a blood or urine test. and reference values, according to a specialized website TuaSaudefollowing:

Values ​​that measure the uric acid index

Recommended Products to Avoid Uric Acid

Pumpkin is the perfect superfood to include in your diet to help you lose weight… and, in turn, reduce uric acid levels.

There are actually a lot of vegetables. fruits and legumes that can help you in this situation.

Nutritionist Miquel Girones, one of the most popular on social networks, a few days ago recommended on his Instagram account another product that More and more nutritionists are jumping on the bandwagon, and it’s got a lot of health benefits: it’s pumpkin.

Pumpkin cream: a delicious and healthy recipe for a diet

It is a natural product like few others, cheap (a kilo is a long time and you can find it in the supermarket for one euro or less).which is available almost all year round and can be eaten in a variety of ways.

Those who regularly eat pumpkin say that it is suitable for both summer and winter. During the cold season it is best drunk as a broth, but in hot weather it can be eaten in a salad or simply cooked with a little oil. This reminds you that every day you can find groups on social networks such as Facebook. “Real food” recipes to help you change your diet.

Benefits of pumpkin

This superfood has high potassium content with very low sodium levels. This gives it an excellent diuretic function, which helps remove fluid from the body.

Except, pumpkin is useful for people with hypertension, high uric acid levels, and kidney stones. and helps eliminate fluid retention.

A large amount of sodium present in the body is excreted through urine, as well as substances dissolved in it, such as uric acid, urea and various toxins.

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