Ricardo Cusano reported assault in a brawl at the New Year’s party of the Playa Azul club

Ricardo Cusano, director of the Ad Hoc Board of Reorganization at the Venezuelan Red Cross, reported physical attacks by his former partner Roberto Calcano after an incident at the Playa Azul club this Tuesday, January 2.


Through his social networks, Cusano clarified that the information that has been disseminated is “completely false” and decided to clarify what happened, “No threats on my part against citizen Roberto Antonio Calcano Merzech. Or there was no physical aggression, who was my partner for over 8 years (…) “And since then he is my debtor.”

He also said that in the midst of celebrations at the club, Cusano asked him to cancel some debts, upon which Cusano Merzek physically attacked him and his 87-year-old father-in-law.

The full statement is published here:

I, Ricardo Cusano, in view of the false information circulating on social networks and involving my name regarding the events that occurred during the early hours of January 1 at the Playa Azul club, I would like to clarify:

There was no threat or physical aggression on my part against citizen Roberto Antonio Calcaño Merzech, who was my partner for more than 8 years in commercial activities in Florida, and who has been my debtor since then.

I was surprised to meet him at the New Year celebration, and taking advantage of the opportunity given his permanent procrastination in responding to calls and messages, I asked him to take responsibility for the said debt and his actions, so he decided To physically attack me. After this reaction, I decided to retreat towards the beach area of ​​the club. However, Calcano chased me and threw a metal glass at my face, so I suffered injuries that had to be treated in medical services, the video captured by the authorities revealed. Additionally, they pushed my father-in-law, an 87-year-old man who suffered from medical conditions and severe hypertension, to have to be treated by medical services.

These acts were recorded on the facilities’ camera systems and several hundred people present could confirm what happened, who the attacker was, and who was attacked.

I reiterate that the information that has been circulated is completely false and in response to what happened I went to the competent authorities to file a relevant complaint.

Those who know me know that in my public and private life I have always acted in accordance with the law and that I defend dialogue as the only way to resolve any differences in any place, always respecting the family and Highlight the values ​​of business responsibility as pillars. Of my daily work…

I thank all those people who cooperatively helped me and my family.

Ricardo Cusano.

Kusano made the first post on Instagram covered in blood, which he deleted and replaced with a family photo with his wife and children.

(TagstoTranslate)New Year(T)Club Playa Azul(T)Ricardo Cusano

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