Right-wing coalition limits European Parliament request for ceasefire in Gaza

The European Parliament has called for a ceasefire in Gaza, but made it conditional on the “immediate and unconditional” release of hostages and the “destruction of the terrorist organization Hamas”. This is the tagline that the European People’s Party has come up with to vote in favor of a motion in the European Parliament. The support of the extreme right, a handful of liberals, socialists and three Green MEPs (mainly Germans, Romanians, Danes) for this amendment led to the final text, which went ahead with 312 in favour, 131 against and 72 abstentions. Yes, it is ready. Decaffeinated

The joint resolution promoted by socialists, liberals and Greens demanded “the resumption of efforts in favor of a permanent ceasefire and a political settlement”, including the recognition of both states according to the borders demarcated in 1967 and, therefore, an end to the occupation. . It was a significant step after the European Parliament rejected a leftist proposal requesting a ceasefire in October. But three months after the war began in Gaza following Hamas attacks against Israel that killed more than 20,000 people, half of them Palestinian children, and injured more than 60,000, the parliamentary majority has taken a step forward.

However, the PP’s demand for “the immediate and unconditional release of all hostages and the dismantling of the Hamas terrorist organization” was insufficient and it has submitted an amendment to make a ceasefire conditional on this happening. “Calls for a permanent ceasefire and the resumption of efforts for a political settlement, provided that all hostages are immediately and unconditionally released and the terrorist organization Hamas is destroyed; Reiterates its unwavering support for a two-state solution based on the 1967 borders and negotiations, in which two sovereign and democratic States co-exist in peace and guaranteed security, with Jerusalem being the capital of both States and fully governed by international law; Respects” indicates the text ultimately approved by the European Parliament.

“As we speak, bombs keep falling, people keep dying. The war continues there,” warned Pedro Marx, vice-president of the Socialists, who recalled that the murdered population in Gaza would be equivalent to five million people if added to that of Europe. How can this be considered a proportionate response to what Hamas has done? We call for the destruction of Hamas, but no matter who falls, Hamas cannot be destroyed. “Children are not terrorists and collective punishment is unacceptable.” Spaniard Javi López said that in this conflict “not only stability in Gaza is at stake but also the credibility of the EU as a global actor.”

According to MEP Hilde Wattmans, the Liberals also expressed that the wars “have limits” in the face of the horror of more than 20,000 people killed and 2 million displaced. Jordi Soulé, representing The Greens/EFA, recalled that the death toll represented 1% of Gaza’s population: “This massacre has to stop. “International justice must intervene.”

This proposal was unsuccessful for the Left (The Left/GUE), which demanded, in addition to the ceasefire, which it has been defending from the beginning, an arms embargo on Israel and the EU state taking South Africa before the International Court of Justice. Join. Justice. “It is incredible to hear Council and Commission representatives talking about a military operation against Hamas at this moment. It is incredible to hear that Israel is exercising its right to defend itself. “Whose?” Manu Pineda (IU) asked.

Despite describing the situation as “tragic” and calling for restraint on the destruction of Gaza “that has made it impossible to live” as well as the liberalization of hostage-taking by Hamas, Crisis Management Commissioner Janez Lenarin limited himself to only asking kept. A “humanitarian pause right now”, which has been agreed to by the leaders of the 27.

The PP spokesman, Antonio López-Isturiz, immediately intervened, berating the commissioner for spending more time criticizing Israel. “It wouldn’t be bad if you spend even a minute talking about Hamas, Hezbollah… (…) This should be the EU’s approach.” The president of the European Parliament delegation for relations with Israel pointed to Iran as a power that “pulls the strings” and defended the terms of the resolution approved in October, which did not demand a ceasefire.

Representatives of the extreme right also took the opportunity to launch a pro-Israel argument. “Establishing a ceasefire is simple. Hamas must release all hostages. I’m for democracy and Israel, and you?” Swede Charlie Weimers asked. “They want to talk about the population of Gaza (…), one in two will vote for Hamas,” said the Alternative for Germany MEP, who launched into a xenophobic speech and said Hamas “will continue to fight for its terror in Europe.” Expands “Network”. : “It would be good if you analyzed the humanitarian situation of the 136 hostages who are in the hands of Islamist butchers. “They are only interested in the humanitarian situation of Israel’s enemies.”


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