Rihanna leaves the conquest of China with the brand Fenty Beauty

Fenty Beauty did not pass the premiere mark and released the video directly on Douyin. Gucci, Dior and Louis Vuitton are a deja fact of the past. L’avantage est que l’on put y realiser des achats. In 2022, the app will have more than 460 million subscribers in mainland China. Using a car allows you to touch the public car, which is the most used car, on the cable car ride, and China represents the world’s second beauty market. Rihanna’s appearance is registered in the “618” campaign (June 18), the event takes place in the most important country.

Rihanna and son of love for China

Rihanna is the most popular in China. L’histoire d’amour debuted in 2011 with the chanson “We Found Love”. The name translates phonetically as “weifang de ai”, which means “amour de Weifang”. » Cela lui gives permission to receive the surname “Queen of Shandong”, Eastern Province of China in Lakella located in Weifang. Jianbing helped me do this. A$AP Rocky also joined Chinese fans who knew them well. On Weibo it might say, “Certification is in Chinese language. »

In 2014, Rihanna posed for the song “Princess of China” with Cold gamebecause at the 2015 Met Gala he showed up in the author’s pale yellow epustuflanta. Guo Pei. In April 2024, she did a couverture for Chinese Vogue in April 2024. Visitors advertise these initiatives, la chanteuse de trente-six et montre son attachment au countries.

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