“Rule 5A” is an ideal proposal for proper nutrition and weight loss.

“Rule 5A” is an ideal proposal for proper nutrition and weight loss.

A balanced dietA healthy lifestyle and practice physical exercise that’s three main pillars enjoy Healthy life. Provide our body with everything it needs nutrients what you need will help everything work correctly.

If we want to control our weightwe must watch closely calories what we consume and should never be more than what we spend. Thus, it is convenient to adjust rations food into our daily activities.

A balanced diet It must be adequate, high quality, sufficient, harmonious and diverse. In this line we find 5A rule whose properties include its contribution energygain the immune systemmore longevity and better control over weight. Moreover, by paying attention to what we eat, we get rid of anxiety. inflammation, oxidation, hyperglycemia, dysbacteriosis And toxic which are so harmful to our health.

food included in this 5A rule They are very diverse and guarantee balance between fats, carbohydrates and proteins and there is no place for ultra-processed foods, sugary soft drinks or industrial baked goods.

This method is for strengthen our defenses and increase our energy from the food we eat, and they can be distributed in five groups each of them is named by a word whose first letter A. This:

– Anti-inflammatory drugs. Chronic inflammation can be one of the causes of diseases such as cancer or Alzheimer’s disease. Anti-inflammatory foods include fish rich in omega-3 fatty acids such as salmon or trout, olive oil, green leafy vegetables such as chard or spinach, and spices such as turmeric.

– Antioxidants. Cellular oxidation causes aging of the body. Antioxidant foods include vegetables, fruits rich in vitamin C, cereals, legumes, cocoa, nuts or seeds.

Fruits, vegetables and vegetables cannot be missing from the “5A Rule”.

– Antihyperglycemic agents. These are foods that do not raise blood sugar levels. They are high in fiber, firm and whole, have a sour taste and are rich in omega-3s. This includes chia seeds, mangoes, apples, blueberries or avocados, as well as legumes such as chickpeas or lentils.

– Antidysbiosis. They help prevent imbalance of microorganisms in the intestines. These are foods rich in prebiotics, such as fresh and seasonal fruits and vegetables, tubers or seeds, or probiotics, such as yogurt or lacto-fermented vegetables.

– Antitoxic agents. These are organic foods that are fresh, well preserved and cooked at low temperatures. This is the case with green tea or ginger.

Losing weight, eating healthy and becoming healthy are three very common desires among the population, and this 5A rule This is presented as a good option to achieve this goal. Understanding a healthy and balanced diet will allow you to have more energy and live a better life.

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