Russia hunts down Estonian Prime Minister


Russia today declared Estonian Prime Minister Kaja Kallas a “wanted” person in an undisclosed criminal case. The Interior Ministry’s wanted database showed Kallas, who will lead Estonia’s government from 2021, as “wanted under the Criminal Code”, without specifying charges. According to Efe, Estonian State Secretary Tamer Peterkopf was also declared wanted and captured.

Kallas has been one of the strongest voices rejecting the Russian invasion of Ukraine. Estonia is the country that provides a large percentage of its budget in the form of aid to Kyiv.

Sources quoting Russian news agency TASS have indicated that “A case has been opened against Kallas and Peterkopf for destroying and damaging monuments to Soviet soldiers” in Estonia., Following the invasion of Ukraine the Estonian authorities began destroying various Soviet monuments in the country.

Since the beginning of the large-scale invasion in 2022, the Prime Minister of Estonia has been in favor of helping Ukrainians and against negotiations with Moscow. The key issue in the battle for Kailash is adequate quantity of ammunition.

According to the Estonian leader, one of the traps of this war is that “peace can be negotiated.” “If we accept the land grab, Russia’s needs will be met. “It is not true that suddenly everything has become peaceful.” Callas said this in an interview with an Austrian newspaper. Der Standard.

The Prime Minister of Estonia explained this, “We are in Estonia, after the end of World War II, it is true that we did not have a war, but we also did not have peace because there were deportations and a lot of repression.” newspaper in an interview in 2023. “Russia wants us to believe Ukraine can’t winSo that we stop supporting it,” Callas has reiterated in recent months in the face of a standoff over Ukrainian counter-offensive.

Russian President Vladimir Putin recently assured that he has no plans to invade the Baltic republics or Poland, which are NATO members. The public position is similar to that which he maintained regarding Ukraine until shortly before he invaded Ukraine.


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