Scientists reveal that climate change was the cause of the extinction of the largest ape that ever lived on the planet

An analysis revealed that a lack of fruits may have been a key factor in the disappearance of the largest ape ever known, about 250,000 years ago. (efe)

He Huge Gigantopithecus blackiThe the largest species of ape Known to scientists, extinguished between the first 215,000 and 295,000 yearsmaybe because of this Climate change, according to a new study. These ancient primates, who lived in the area of guangxisouth of Chinareach a height of 3 meters and maximum weight approx 295 kg, Research published in journal Naturehighlighted that missing out on your favorite foodsespecially fruits, during dry season He may have contributed to its extinction.

A team of scientists from Southern Cross University In Australia and of Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology analyzed from china pollen samples And sediments Also found in Guangxi caves fossil teeth Of Gigantopithecus blacki. This analysis showed that area forests they started doing produce less fruit some time ago 600,000 yearsmaybe because of one Increase in the number of dry seasons,

small variants Apes were able to adapt by climbing trees in search of new foodBut Gigantopithecus had to resort to tree bark dietReeds and others non-nutritious foodsWhich may have contributed to their extinction, the study said.

Research further shows that sheer size Of these apes, who probably possessed a certain similar to modern orangutanhe was the one evolutionary loss Vs dramatic changes In his residence. these great apes They lived for about 2 million years before facing climate challenges which decreased Availability of your favorite food,

Climate change that has reduced the availability of fruits may play a significant role in the extinction of this species. (Southern Cross University)

The lead author of the study, Renaud Joannes-BoyauThey said Statements collected by ABC News, that it was “a beast” huge – really huge”, explaining that when food began to become scarce, their large size prevented them Find new food sources Climbing trees. To date, most of our knowledge about these extinct apes comes from the study of fossil teeth and four big lower jaw found in Chinawithout getting complete skeleton,

Extinction of Gigantopithecus blacki represents not only the loss of a Link in the evolution of apesBut it’s also an example of how past climate change has made a great impact on biodiversity of the planet, During a period that extended between approximately 2 and 22 million years agoMany species of great apes inhabit Africa, Europe And AsiaAccording to fossil record,

Currently, only Gorilla, chimpanzee, bonobo, orangutan And human beings Are living species Of this family. rick pottsof human origin program of Smithsonian National Museum of Natural Historyassured that while first man They emerged in Africa, it is still unknown on which continent the great ape family first appeared.

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