seven foods that speed up your metabolism

As people age, their bodies undergo changes– Metabolism slows, muscle mass is lost, hormonal levels fluctuate, which can lead to weight gain, mood swings and health problems that did not exist before.

However, all is not lost. To counteract these effects, you can focus on lead a healthy lifestyle.

Fatphobia during bikini seasonFatphobia during bikini season

In addition to regular exercise, getting enough sleep and reducing stress, eating foods rich in antioxidants is beneficial.

Sarah Mirkin, who wrote the book Fill your plate, lose weightoffering a 21-day weight loss plan designed for women over 40, shares with Prevention magazine some of the products he specifically suggests in the article Confidentially.

Seven Essential Foods

The foods consumed provide the energy necessary for the proper functioning of the body.

Fast metabolism means that the body can burn calories more efficientlywhich can help maintain a healthy weight.


Adding berries to your diet not only improves the taste of your dishes, but also gives you Provides fiber, which helps you feel full and satisfied.thereby reducing cravings for sweets.

The intense color and pigmentation of the berries indicate their high nutrient content. According to the specialist, this dark pigmentation means that Berries are rich in antioxidants and phytochemicals. who fight diseases.


Fatty fish such as salmon are excellent source of omega-3 and lean protein. Although fats have more calories than proteins and carbohydrates, they are essential for appetite control.

Two cooked salmon. freepick

According to Mirkin, salmon is not only filling and tasty, but also may improve the health of your skin, reduce the risk of disease and reduce hunger.

Dark chocolate

You may not consider chocolate part of a healthy diet after 40, but… eat a small portion after dinner This can have amazing benefits for your health.

“Dark chocolate contains flavanols, which protect the heart, reduce the risk of diabetes and regulate blood pressure“, says Mirkin.

For maximum nutritional benefits, choose bars chocolate with at least 70% cocoa content and less than six grams of sugar added per serving.


Avocado is full healthy fats that can improve the health of your skin and hairand also reduces blood pressure due to its high potassium content.

Several avocados. freepick

Despite its high fat content, avocados can help with weight loss because they are very fillingaccording to the expert.


Garlic has many health benefits, especially for women over 40. According to Mirkin, research shows that garlic may help. reduce bone loss by increasing estrogen levelsor.

In addition, it is a rich source of nutrients, low calorie content and adds flavor to your food, helping you feel full in smaller portions.


Carrots are an excellent source of beta-carotene, which is converted into vitamin A in the body. vitamin is critical for strengthening the immune system and keep your eyes healthy.

According to Mirkin, at 40 years old this is especially It is important to eat foods rich in vitamin Aas they may also protect against cataracts.

Except, carrots are rich in potassiumwhich helps regulate blood pressure, fiber to improve digestion and vitamin K to strengthen bones.

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