Should you eat a banana after dinner?

He banana It is one of the most consumed fruits due to its rich flavor and culinary versatility. However, despite its health benefits, this food is full of myths as it is believed that eating it can have positive effects. eat after dinner How true is this?

He banana It contains many benefits, especially for muscles, which is why athletes often consume it.

He banana It contains potassium, a mineral that helps with post-workout recovery. The micronutrient is beneficial for muscles when they are overexerted. Additionally, according to AlimentePlus, it helps regulate water lost through sweating, control blood pressure and control protein production.

Advantages There is A banana after dinner

According to the US Department of Agriculture, bananas They are very nutritious and contain high amounts of potassium, fiber and vitamins B6 and C. In addition to potassium, they contain other minerals such as iron and magnesium.

However, it is a great food because it promotes good sleep. Positive impact if you eat banana After dinner This is because it contains tryptophan.

(Photo: Canva)

Tryptophan is an essential amino acid that is used in medicine to induce sleep in cases of sleep disturbances that prevent sleep, as explained in the work of the University of Extremadura. Its effect on humans reduces sleep latency.

So far, few studies have tested the ability of tryptophan to reach sleep better. In the seventies, a study led by Wyatt R.J. was published, which concluded that taking L-tryptophan before bed resulted in increased sleep duration, especially in the slow-wave sleep phase, in both healthy people and patients with insomnia , describes FeedPlus in detail.

(Photo: Canva)

Tryptophan is present in banana It affects the production of melatonin and serotonin, hormones necessary for sleep. Although he banana This is not the only tryptophan-rich product. Turkey, chicken, tuna, salmon, eggs, brown rice, oats and dark chocolate provide higher amounts of this amino acid, which is essential for restful sleep.

For these reasons, Eat a banana after dinner can be a great option sleep better.

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