Social Security is developing the “Christmas in the Company” program. No Mayor Alone” with 180 participants (Castilla-La Mancha, Society)

The government of Castile-La Mancha is developing a program called “Christmas in the company.” No Elderly Alone”, which has so far attracted 180 participants, in collaboration with the ACESCAM network of hostels for the elderly.

This was stated by the general director of the organization for the elderly, Alba Rodríguez, during a visit to two elderly people participating in the program during the Christmas dates at the residence for the elderly Virgen de las Nieves in Casasimarro, a center that is participating in this campaign for the first time.

In this sense, Rodríguez specified that “to date, 180 people are participating in this campaign, which is more than 20 people more than in the previous year; 50 of them chose to spend Christmas in these homes, which are residential centers, and 130 people asked for volunteers to bring Christmas and company to their homes, fighting and uniting with our common goal of fighting loneliness. Undesirable.” .

By province, of the 50 people who enjoy the Christmas holidays in residential centers, ten live in the province of Albacete; 26 people in Ciudad Real; in the province of Cuenca there are 20 people, one person in the province of Guadalajara and three in Toledo.

And as for the 130 people who enjoy these dates in their own home, with company and everything that comes with it, from volunteers; This is one person in Albacete, in the province of Ciudad Real – 44 people, in Cuenca – 17 and in the province of Toledo – 68 people.

The CEO of Seniors reminded that “this free-to-user initiative is aimed at people over 60 years of age, including couples, as well as people with disabilities living with their parents, and will be in effect from December 22.” until January 7, 2024, for which everyone can still subscribe.”

Promotion “Christmas in company”. No more alone

Promotion “Christmas in company”. No Major Only” offers help in two forms; on the one hand, to receive elderly people in a situation of loneliness during the Christmas holidays in ACESCAM residences for the entire Christmas period or on certain days; On the other hand, the possibility of providing company, home delivery of food and hosting activities in the homes of those who want to participate while staying at home during these days is also offered.

In this sense, Alba Rodriguez congratulated ACESCAM for its collaboration in this campaign, with which “we not only open the doors of residences, but also the doors of our hearts to share moments of company with the elderly during these Christmas periods.”

For those who wish to take part in the “Christmas in the company” campaign. No Major Alone”, you must contact the ACESCAM Secretary General at 926501069 and 685837743, as well as via email.

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