Spain will soon become a world power in athletics.

Many of you don’t like the nationalization of athletics: JOrdan Diaz, Yulennis Aguilar, Ndikumwenayo… I’m not thrilled about it either, but Spain can’t be an exception. And that’s not true.

There are people who don’t like it (I know). I don’t care about nationalization either. But if this is done in all countries, Spain will not be an exception. This is why every nationalization is a birthday present if it is a quality nationalization like the last one, Cuban javelin thrower Yulenmis Aguilar (Bayaco, Cuba, 1996). which strengthens Spain’s medal chances at the Olympics. Or Jordan Diaz (Havana, 2001), who can do triple jumps. Or this little treasure of Burundi: Ndikumwenayo, who has already achieved nationalization. And I will not forget the marathon runner Majida Mayoufa (Morocco), who will compete for gold in our form in Paris, nor Likina Amebo (Ethiopia), who is waiting for an answer.

Because all these are bullets and new permanent contracts for Spanish athletics. From the year 2000, More than 100 athletes have been naturalized in Spain. And there is nothing to answer, because new times have come. That’s why we accept it with the same natural enthusiasm with which Madrid would accept the signing of Mnbape. And that’s why we’ll celebrate Yulennis Aguilar’s hypothetical Olympic medal as if Acier Martinez had won it. Eventually they add up to the same thing and the past doesn’t matter anymore. You just need to remember that no one chooses where to be born, and that just as a person changes his address, he can change his country.

This seems like a very commercial and interested activity, but who in this world is not touched by interest? Therefore, as soon as it is approved by the Council of Ministers and published in the BOE, we will go to death with these athletes defending the flag of Spain. In fact, we have already done this with Orlando Ortega at the Rio Olympics or Benjamin Lino at the Athens Olympics because we are smart people. With them, we have a chance to win games that we otherwise wouldn’t even play. Moreover, at this rate, we cannot rule out the possibility that Spain will one day become a world power in athletics. We need to give this time, but we, as politicians, are not giving up anything either.

There is no doubt that this makes life difficult for one’s career. But there is a logic to this. Everything in life becomes more difficult, and in athletics we could not resist this. There are also people who say that we are already tired of transporting troupes. Athletes who have virtually no chance of making it past the first round get to major championships. And they are partly right. And if a commodity player like Jordan Diaz comes, Julenmis Aguilar comes, if Kwizera comes… basically, you will reduce this probability. But it is for this reason that nationalization, like the acquisition of players in football, should offer you a purpose that you do not have.

In this case, there is no money to pay. You just need to agree: I give to you in exchange for what you give to me. But whatever it is, whether it excites you more or less, it is an unstoppable phenomenon that gathers better raw materials every year. This happened to Sandra Myers and me before when I was a kid. It gave us quality that wasn’t there. Since then, we realized that we can also strive for quality. And this is exactly what is happening with this stream of nationalized people, who also claim that they have loved our country for as long as they can remember. Albert Einstein said the same thing, but in a different way:

– There is a driving force more powerful than steam, electricity and atomic energy: will.

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