Spanish grandmothers’ “superfood” that lowers blood sugar and helps you lose weight

He legume consumption reduces the risk of development by 23% type 2 diabetes by improving blood glucose control. This is stated in a study carried out by several teams from the Network Biomedical Research Center for Physiopathology of Obesity and Nutrition (CIBEROBN), led by the University of Rovira e Virgili (IISPV).

In collaboration with scientists from the Harvard University School of Public Health and the University of Navarra, the research team analyzed blood samples from 1,833 people at high cardiovascular risk. Collect this data Europe Presscame from participants in the PREDIMED clinical trial.

These samples were used to assess food intake at baseline. After a year of monitoring based on advanced statistical machine learning methods (Machine learning), was identified molecular pattern consumption of legumes. It was concluded that the metabolomic fingerprint of blood is formed 40 metabolitesamong which several classes of lipids were distinguished.

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In this sense, the study also showed that those individuals that ate more legumes were characterized by their content in vegetable proteins, fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals– also had higher levels of adherence to the Mediterranean diet. These people consumed more dairy products, vegetables and fruits and less meat and grains.

These results “show the importance of legume consumption for health and especially for the prevention of this disease,” the research team emphasizes. Additionally, the metabolites identified in the study “help to better understand the metabolic pathways associated with their consumption and their possible involvement in pathophysiology of diabetes and cardiovascular disease,” they add.

The work was published in a scientific journal Cardiovascular Diabetology and was led by researcher Hernando J. Margara Escudero under the leadership of the URV-IISPV research group formed by Indira Paz Graniel, Jesús García Gavilan, Nancy Babio and Jordi Salas-Salvado, all members of CIBEROBN and from the Pere Virgili Health Research Institute.

Legumes and weight loss

Although there are many foods that have proven to be good allies in weight control or weight loss, Harvard University says that traditional and ancient foods have high potential. We say neither more nor less than legumes.

As experts explain, the family Gabova Legumes (better known as legumes or beans) are the third largest family of flowers, with over 20,000 species. Legumes are a staple food throughout the world.being an economical and varied source of proteins, complete carbohydrates, vitamins and fiber.

It has been proven that legumes not only do not cause obesity, but also contain dietary components that can promote weight loss. Its richness in proteins and fiber, both soluble and insoluble, causes Feeling full and slightly increase calorie expenditure due to thermogenesis.

Thus, people who ate more legumes had lower body weight and a smaller waist size. Likewise, legume consumers the risk of increased waist size and obesity was 23% and 22% lower.respectively.

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