Starlink: Battle For Atlas, Star Fox joins this wonderful Ubisoft adventure

Starlink: Battle For Atlas, Star Fox joins this wonderful Ubisoft adventure

There have been many games that have used NFC technology for what we call concept Toys for lifewas the first so to speak Skylanders with Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure in 2011, AndThis game, if you don’t know it, used a portal style device called the “Portal of Power” and thus revealed Skylander figures, from Spyro, Syder, and other figures to adventure packs that functioned as DLC worlds. Launched on all existing platforms including mobile phones and PCs, the concept was a complete success, kickstarting the toys-to-life boom.

This boom was continued by Disney thanks to Disney Infinity, a creative and platform sandbox that somewhat countered the adventure and puzzle style of Skylanders and in which we could travel through many of Disney’s own worlds, such as Monsters SA, Pirates of the Caribbean or The Incredibles. This game took many of the concepts from Skylanders, such as the famous expansion packs that brought us to other worlds, only in this case they replaced the Skylanders objects with Power-Disks, which worked in a similar way in some cases.

And we came to the second toys-to-life boom, and it was nothing less than Amiibo Nintendo, these figures will not only work in a game similar to the previous ones, but will also be compatible with a very long list of games from both Nintendo and third-party games for Nintendo platforms, depending on which games they will only unlock some exclusive objects. and in other cases they will fight alongside us or against us, storing all the information in the figure itself. The idea was so successful that for Skylanders: Superchargers, the sixth installment of the saga developed by Vicarious Visions, Nintendo and Activision entered into an alliance in the game’s starter pack, according to which the Wii and 3DS versions would include a Bowser figure and in the case of the Wii U from Donkey Kong, being both a Skylander and an amiibo that could be changed using the wheel they had on their base.

Then it came Lego Dimensions It revolutionized the concept of NFC by putting it on some LEGO figures, but it wasn’t as successful as the previous ones, and then there was a decline: the Disney Infinity 3.0 plan was canceled while it was in the works, and version 4.0 was canceled before it even came out. and Skylanders: Imaginators for Switch, the latest Skylanders game to be released. Now only amiibo remains thanks to the multi-game compatibility feature, but last year another game made by Ubisoft appeared that was compatible with NFC.

This game would be Starlink: Battle for Atlasgame with NFC mounted ships, released in one way or another PS4, Xbox One, nintendo switch and PC had to cancel its physical format because although sales were good, it wasn’t as successful, although it’s still fully compatible physically and digitally, but we’ll talk about that right now when reviewing this Switch version, in case you you won’t do this. I do not know either collaborated with the Star Fox saga thanks to the connection between Nintendo and Ubisoft and That’s how Arwing and Fox are included in this version’s starter pack, with Falco, Slippy and Peppy available as digital pilots.. Without further ado, let’s get started with the analysis:

Story It all starts with everyone on the main ship Equinox, when suddenly we see the mercenary Shaid attracting many enemy ships to the Equinox, at this moment all the pilots of the ship are preparing to go into battle and the boss Victor St. Grand. He remains on the ship as support. The Cornerian Star Fox space crew, searching for the Wolf in Atlas, sees the disaster and enters the battle. While everyone is fighting an evil man named Drax along with another sect and several Legion units, beings of the ancient gods called Guardians attack the Equinox and capture both of the ship’s engines, made from Nova and Saint Grand. Creating an explosion that disables all ships and crashes onto the planet, including the Equinox and Star Fox’s Arwings.

Project Starlink is a project that allows the pilot to transfer ships and parts from the Equinox directly to the ship through teleportation, and the pilots are experts in their fields: Mason is the leader and student of Saint Grand, Chase is a race car driver, Hunter is a retired soldier, Razor is a mechanic, Levi is a risk-taker, Shaid is an alien bounty hunter, Harl is an alien scientist, and Judge is a hive mind of no more and no less than 100 people. Fern, an alien scientist, is among other allies. Fox, Falco, Slippy and Peppy will join the initiative with their upgraded Arwings as they search for Wolf and have no idea about Atlas, and will also help Starlink fight against Drax and his legion.

After restoring the ship, we will have to expand the Starlink initiative throughout Atlas: Commercial Sector (Sonatus, Kirite and Refugio), Frontier Sector (Vilux and Tundra) and Dark Sector (Ashar and Necrom) until we find Saint Grand. . Drax will use Saint Grand to create Nova for his Legion. Drax’s legion will consist of Extractors, Guardians and Battleships, the Battleships will be piloted by Drax’s cultists and they will launch Legion Guardians onto planets, the Guardians will drain energy from the Battleships, and the Guardians will receive energy from Extractors, which they will place on to drain the energy of the planets and that they will be protected by Legion troops.

St. Grand will escape in one of those battleships that we’ll have to destroy to save him, and once we’re “saved” we’ll need to get the energy to head straight for Drax. Meanwhile, Star Fox will travel from planet to planet, collecting information about the Wolf’s plan and location, and once we know his plan, we will have to defeat him. There are other side missions that will advance the story, such as those added in the Crimson Moon update, which include catching criminals, participating in races, arenas, and more…

So all of this makes the story one of the most interesting ones seen in the NFC format since Skylanders, since Disney Infinity and LEGO Dimensions had small story formats instead of one big one and gameplay The role-playing game with several puzzles turns every time we play it into a real battle, starting from the moment we open observatories, refineries, workshops and arsenals (or Starlink towers) or destroy Extractors and Guardians on all planets to increase our percentage of control over them with Legion when we race against the Outlaws. In addition, side missions will allow us to meet the main characters of the game, which will make the depth of each of the characters we control much deeper. Interestingly, each of the characters reacts differently to the story’s dialogue, reacting in one way or another depending on the character we play.

In graphics The game is very well designed so we feel like we’re really in space and in different environments within planets, and when the Legion controls them we see the desperation in the environment of the planet itself or the destruction in space itself. Additionally, the game uses animated graphics to introduce the characters and their stories in the side missions, making them even more visually interesting than they already are. From the outside soundtrack The music is very epic and the sound effects are placed where they should be, creating moments that are meant to be epic and moments that are also meant to be desperate.

Do we recommend Starlink: Battle for Atlas? Well, of course it’s a great game where it’s very nice to see physical figures that can be transformed into anything, literally creating hybrid ships by changing wings or flipping weapons, because she will find it, you will find it. You can also play with digital figures that have parts inside the game. The story makes the game very interesting and epic and the RPG style gameplay with spaceships is very exciting and intense, especially thanks to the soundtrack and graphic design, including the animated character graphics for the story, whether in 2D or 3D animation is so good designed to be very short. Even on planets and in battles, we will be amazed by the nature and inhabitants of the Atlas thanks to the graphics, the soundtrack and the gameplay itself. A game that has gone unnoticed, but which we highly recommend.

Starter pack for the Nintendo Switch version. This is the most complete version of the game itself, as it includes the game itself, a poster with all the collectibles, two pilots: Mason and Fox, a physical ship: Arwing, a digital ship: Zenith, 2 physical weapons: Flamethrower and Frost Barrage, as well as a digital weapons: the Shredder weapon, as well as support for the Joy-Con Grip style with NFC in which the ship is connected, and we are lucky because due to the discontinuation of almost all stores, both Starter Packs are included. sales as in numbers. Additionally, even more characters and ships were released digitally, including Falco, Slippy, and Peppy, as well as many others as I mentioned earlier. The game is available on PS4, Xbox One, PC and Nintendo Switch physically or digitally at a fairly discounted price.

It’s time to explore the Atlas with Starlink and Star Fox!


  • Other versions seem worse in plot and content.
  • The character and ship designs are quite simple.
  • Sometimes exploring such places can be tedious.
  • The hub-mounted Grip is quite a gadget that can be a little awkward to wear.
  • Mixing physical and digital characters is complete nonsense.

The best

  • The most interesting NFC story since Skylanders: The inclusion of Star Fox gives it the final update it needs.
  • The gameplay is addictive and in many ways reminiscent of what No Man’s Sky should have been from the beginning.
  • The art design is amazing, giving you a unique feel and some brutally animated moments.
  • The soundtrack is impressive and is used where needed.
  • Fully incorporating Star Fox into the game rather than as a mere cameo, even only having Fox and Arwing in the physical format.

Final score


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