“Stop, you’re hurting me!”

The young woman who condemned William Carvalho for rape he told her “Stop, you’re hurting me!” during the sexual relationship that both had on the night of 9 to 10 August 2023 and which the footballer himself confirmed in his statement to the Court of Instruction No. 9 of Seville. OKDIARIO accessed injury report submitted by the alleged victim, which indicates that he also sustained injuries to his ankles and knees that night.

The complainant suspects the Portuguese footballer drugged her in a nightclub and then took her to a hotel to engage in non-consensual sexual relations. The alleged victim does not remember what exactly happened all night, and suspects that the player or one of his comrades laced his drink with some kind of drug.

Four days after sexual intercourse with Carvalhothe applicant contacted Can missed the hospital in Ibizawhere he underwent a medical examination and received a report of injury. The document documents a bruise on the left knee, a sprained right ankle and a blow to the head. These injuries are attributed to him falling to the ground that night. During her stay at the nightclub, she had to be helped several times because she was not feeling well. The girl thinks she was drugged that night.

William Carvalho
William Carvalho Medical report of the applicant.

William Carvalho He appeared as an accused before a judge on Tuesday, February 6, at the Investigative Court No. 9 of Seville and did so for about half an hour. At this exhibition, a football player Real Betis He admitted that he had sexual relations with the girl that night, but from his point of view it was consensual.

It should be remembered that a football player He invited the girl to spend a few days in Seville.that they had dinner together and then went to a nightclub, where she says she doesn’t know most of what happened. What is undeniable is that The cameras recorded them both at 5 am when they went up to the room. from a famous hotel in the city, and two hours later the footballer left this place.

In a statement on Tuesday, no precautions were taken against the Portuguese player: William Carvalho He also admitted to the judge that he knew she was unwell when they were both at the nightclub. In fact, the Real Betis footballer said in a statement on Tuesday that when the young woman said she wasn’t feeling well, he decided to take her to a hotel.

She believes she was drugged.

After all, the whole point of this matter revolves around consent. Both parties admitted that sexual relations took place. Now justice must decide whether they were consensual or not.

The complainant believes that she was drugged because she felt very unwell in the nightclub and fell several times. Hence the blows that appear in the injury report. Thus, according to judicial sources, it will be excluded that William Carvalho hit the victim. There were no injuries to the genital area, as he consulted a doctor a few days later. The applicant confirmed through witnesses that the next day she felt unwell and felt pain in the genital area.

The morning after the events the applicant had a photo shoot and it had to be stopped because she was unable to do so. He said the same thing to the photographer and the staff of the hotel where he spent the night. The complainant presented this story as evidence, stating that the day after the events she felt unwell and had pain in her genital area.

The victim does not remember

The alleged victim was used to partying and had never experienced anything like what she experienced during the night in the car. For this reason, it seems very strange that he felt so bad in the club when he had only drunk a glass of wine and gin and tonic. Nothing more. The young complainant does not remember at what point in the night her memory loss began.

She has tried to reconstruct that night countless times, and there is one piece of information that clearly shows she became ill while at the nightclub: a young woman texted her in the middle of the night. whatsapp unclear to a friend, and subsequently sent him the location of this place.

This information is clear evidence that at that moment the girl was no longer aware of anything. For this reason, the judge was struck by the fact that William Carvalho decided to take the applicant to a hotel, knowing her fragile state of health at that time, in order to subsequently engage in consensual sexual relations.

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