Taylor Swift, Justin Bieber, Kim Kardashian… these are the stars in the service of Russian propaganda among others

Erroneous quotes from Taylor Swift, Beyoncé, Kim Kardashian or Justin Bieber for an encore are floating around the airwaves.
Lens? “Dénigrer l’Ukraine en se aura de ces célébrités mondialement” continues.
Disinformation campaign emanating from Russia.

This is toute nouvelle Arme qu’aurait trouvée la Russie: le soutien des célébrités. “Combien de temps cela va-t-il durer?”, This is an example of the in-demand Taylor Swift. À en croire une image, scattered throughout French public streets, the world singer continues to convince Ukrainians “behave like charlatans” Tandis that West “regular payer” to finance the war.

A message similar to that of Selena Gomez (diffusé en German), Kim Kardashian, qui serait dit “find out how Ukrainians use our help”or an encore plus the return of Elizabeth Debicki, who regrets “mensongs” author of the conflict. But if these clichés don’t give us the impression that quotes are the best cells of these planetary stars, there are four women who have no origins. Photos that vividly advertise the fruits of a Russian disinformation operation show the understanding Microsoft released in December.

Elizabeth Debicki, like other celebrities, is used to decredit Ukraine.
Elizabeth Debicki is used like other celebrities to decipher Ukraine – Capture d’écran

In total there are over 75 celebrities and touches in this rural area. Antibot4navalny, a group of philanthropists conducting influence operations in Russian. The fake offers include attributes of chanson stars such as Beyoncé, Justin Bieber or Lady Gaga, other Australian Western figures such as footballer Cristiano Ronaldo, animator Oprah Winfrey and fashion model Gigi Hadid.

Toutes ont vu leur Visage Accolé à des Propos Critiques in Ukraine. “Actions of Ukraine that are destroying life and society”and Oprah Winfrey, “The World’s Most Powerful Women.”

New weapon in the information war

The method is not used only by disinformation actors. December 7, The newspaper “New York Times reveals that actor Elijah Wood, translator of the trilogy’s main characters Le Seigneur de Annaud, it’s été au cœur d’un deepfake. “Bonjour Vladimir, Ilya is here”stating in the video, calling on the President of Ukraine to fight substance abuse and alcoholism. “I hope you get the help you never kiss”conclusion-il.

When big money attracts you, risk becomes a reality. “Pour la plupart des gens qui parcourent unchalamment uneplateforme comme X, le contenu pourrait facilement passer pour authenticique,” Souligne Microsoft in filial understanding. Or this content is easy to create.

In the first case, there are enough Internet users to find a photograph of a person. Secondly, Cameo Charger is an app that allows you to personalize the messages that celebrities receive. When used in violation of Community Directives for Use, select an enterprise statement that guarantees “Prendre des Measures pour Primré le Contenu Problématique et Suspendre le Compte de l’acheteur”at the same time you belong to their faits sont “aaveres”.

LES VÉRIFICATEURS – Doppelganger, les dessous de la Campagne des information russeSource: TF1 Information

Two formats that are on everyone’s doorstep: trust and disruptive effects. De facto, the distribution of Leur allows us to know how to encore peu plus soutien des Occidentaux à l’Ukraine. From la-la and see the main Moscow? These are all hypotheses presented by the Microsoft Threat Intelligence Center.

If fans of American businesses have not indicated the exact source of the video, they confirm the mutual understanding that this content will cease to exist on the social networks Telegram and VKontakte. Messages in the bathroom are part of Constantinople, a media that corresponds to the tentacle machine for Russian propaganda. Finally, articles on this topic are published in important Russian journals.

  • From tactlessness to right: Olga Skabaeva, Vladimir Solovyov and Margarita Simonyan, three images of Russian propaganda

    Lyra also

    LES VÉRIFICATEURS – Commentary for Russian propaganda

According to readers, some elements of this rural area are similar to previous operations of Moscow cyber-influence orchestras. Voilà pourquoi ils ont établir qu’elle “This is part of a larger strategic effort launched by the Russian government between March and October (…) to slow down the Ukrainian military offensive and reduce the supply of troops to Kyiv.”.

This is an innovation that represents the exploitation of celebrities through a hyper-accessible montage or application that allows for persistent efforts to decredibilize Ukraine. An innovation that adds new weapons to the Russian arsenal in the information war against the West.

Do you have questions or answers to information that you do not believe is correct? N’hésitez pas à nous écrire à l’adresse lesverificateurs@tf1.fr. Retrouvez-nous également sur Twitter: notre équipe et est présente derrière le compte @verif_TF1LCI.


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