Ten questions about the regulation of social work in Argentina

The government's decision to move ahead with regulation seeks to provide workers with the freedom to choose their social or prepaid work from the very beginning of their appointment (Getty)
The government’s decision to move ahead with regulation seeks to provide workers with the freedom to choose their social or prepaid work from the very beginning of their appointment (Getty)

He National government proceed with regulation of deregulation of social work, Which will be published in the next few hours – via DNU 70/23– In this Official Gazette (BO).

President Xavier Miley gave this issue a priority status, as evidenced by its inclusion in DNU 70/23. contains more than the measure 14 million employeesand includes From employee in dependency relationship Both public area As Personal Until Monotributistas, domestic workers and more than 5 million people involved in the general system.

A few hours before the regulation of the measure, some essential concerns related to the topic will be reviewed.

From now on, Argentine workers will not be required to spend a mandatory year in social insurance commensurate with their activity when changing jobs (Getty)
From now on, Argentine workers will not be required to spend a mandatory year in social insurance commensurate with their activity when changing jobs (Getty)

With the implementation of this measure, workers in Argentina will be able to choose freely between social or prepaid work – those who register for this purpose. in return, Beneficiaries will no longer have to remain mandatory for one year in the social function of their activity when entering a new job.

Health Services Superintendents (SSS) made progress and worked on this aspect two governing laws -one old and one new- which includes these changes. Target? ,Freedom to direct their contributions to a social or prepaid cause of their choosing from the beginning of the contractAccording to Manuel Adorni, the presidential spokesman, in a press conference, “Everyone will be able to choose the social work that suits them best, with the best services or where they receive the best attention.”

This is based on the creation of a category called movement Prepaid Medicine Institutionswhich are now formally recognized Law 23,660 -which regulates social functions in Argentina-. This amendment encourages workers to choose directly from social work or prepaid pharmaceutical company of their choice.

The measure will come into effect the month following its official publication (Getty)
The measure will come into effect the month following its official publication (Getty)

SSS also focused on this Law 23,661 The national health insurance system, which classifies national social insurance companies as insurance agents, regardless of their type or name, as well as social insurance companies of various jurisdictions, prepaid pharmaceutical companies and other entities that participate in the system created Follows. All of them must adjust their health services according to the established guidelines, following the provisions of the above law, its regulations and the specific law on social work.

An important aspect of this regulation is its application National Registry of Insurance Agents (RENA)), where all entities supported by Law 23,660 will be registered.

Among other points, the government wants there to be profits for the members and, in addition, the unions acting as “intermediaries” The money that social actions receive today goes to “contributors” for the benefit of the fees paid by them. Be related to. ,

Along these lines, this Monday, Adorni said that “for decades Many people were obliged to maintain the social function that required them to form the activity or association to which they belonged, so this change will give them more freedom by being able to choose between social work and prepaid. As confirmed infobaeThe business is not to abolish contributions and contributions which are hitherto performed by the Superintendent of Health Services (SSS), but to optimize prepaid, social functions and circulation of funds among the beneficiaries of the social security system.

Despite regulation, the law will not allow superintendents to set subscription prices while maintaining the autonomy of prepaid and social functions (Getty)
Despite regulation, the law will not allow superintendents to set subscription prices while maintaining the autonomy of prepaid and social functions (Getty)

The decree under consideration will come into force 1st day of the second month following its publication in BO Because there will be a period of adaptation to the ideal. Once this measure is implemented, you will be able to choose freely between social or prepaid work in Argentina within the framework established by this regulation.

The rules will be controlled by the Superintendent of Health Services, who, in addition to driving the changes, will also supervise Contribution and contributions to social and prepaid causes. The money from the AFIP, through sworn declarations of employers or direct payment of monotributistas, goes directly to the Union Social Works (OOSS), which is sent less. background Redistributive solidarity. The latter is made up of the expenditures of monotributistas, union social actions and prepaid pharmaceutical companies.

Argentines who are in the private health system will continue to benefit from Current contract with your prepaid, However, everyone will be able to choose between social or prepaid functions within the framework of the rules.

The measure will also benefit retirees, giving them the possibility to choose between social work and prepaid for their health coverage (example image infobay)
The measure will also benefit retirees, giving them the possibility to choose between social work and prepaid for their health coverage (example image infobay)

retired people will have Possibility to choose between social work and prepaid, It should be remembered that the institutions will be part of the national health insurance system and will allocate their resources as a priority for these benefits. Employees who provide services in a dependency relationship, whether in the private sector or in the public sector, and national retirees and pensioners are established as beneficiaries of the entities.

The choice between social work and prepaid can be made from the moment the employment relationship begins. Beneficiaries can exercise this right once a yearAt any time after the commencement of the contract.

SSS will not have the authority to set the quota price. If a prepaid drug company declares bankruptcy, suspends operations or ceases to operate, the enforcement authority will not transfer health coverage to other providers along with its affiliates.

The National Registry of Insurance Agents (RENA) will play an important role in registering entities according to Law 23,660 to guarantee compliance with the new provisions (example image infobay)
The National Registry of Insurance Agents (RENA) will play an important role in registering entities according to Law 23,660 to guarantee compliance with the new provisions (example image infobay)

Other than this, No mandatory minimum rates will be established There will be no interference with contractual agreements for services provided by public and private health institutions, and between prepaid pharmaceutical companies and their service providers.

The government’s regulation scheme focuses specifically on nationally regulated health institutions. That is to say, in the case of provincial social work, the measurement may or may not be conducted. This will depend on the authorities and legislation of the respective province.

Under this new scheme, contributions to the Solidarity Redistribution Fund Social work of Sangh will remain at 15%While prepaid and other institutions Joined together They have to contribute 20%, Entities that decide not to register with RENA, but continue to operate under Law 26682 (Regulatory Framework for Prepaid Medicines), will also face this additional contribution percentage. This change does not interfere with the autonomy of contracts between users and health providers, maintaining non-government interference in fee setting.

The implementation of these regulations highlights that autonomy of Prepaid and social work With regard to their mode of operation, as long as they meet the registration requirements Rena and ensure coverage of the compulsory medical program (PMO,


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