Thanks #MeToo: Anne Hathaway spoke about casting in 2000, and it was done

Under the pretext that he was a partner with the image and halo of alchemy, Anne Hathaway became an artist-designer among the actors on the network, leaving comments from scabreux producers.

In her 41st year, Anne Hathaway was among the actresses who experienced the Hollywood industry. before and after #MeToo. When the coordination of intimacy takes place encore in these canopies, some practices are like terrible revolutions.

In a full promo for the film in Art Nouveau style, actress Du Diable s’habille at Prada etc.Interstellar this is the most confidential message disgusting casting experience That she saw the debut of the 2000s. If the Oscar-winning actress did not reveal the title of the film, she admitted in it that she was obliged to say “men in a chain” so that the team would find the star ideal.

Anne Hathaway in 2001Anne Hathaway in 2001
Anne Hathaway in 2001

« J’ai juste fait semblant d’en avoir envie et j’ai continué

In the columns of the city magazineHathaway explained that casting for the role will be done on demand. d’embrasser dix menmes differentall in lue, asking if she ne trouvait pas cela exciting. The actress explained what her condition is. “normal” from “It takes one actress from other actors to test the alchemy between people.” “In fact, this is a façon de faire “, confi-t-elle, before remembering this terrible scene:

“On m’a dit: “On the dix gars qui ennent aujourd’hui et you as été choisie pour le Film.” Don’t you hate les embrasser? ». Et je me suis dit: “And at-il quelque chose the one who ne va pas chez moi? “It seems that I hate the fair. Je trouvais que c’etait dégoûtant.

I say jeune et aware of the moment in which it is easy to lose everything if she is considered a “difficult” woman, Alors j’ai juste fait semblant d’en avoir envie et j’ai continué.


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In conclusion, Anne Hathaway explained that today they decided to be beautiful. “Ce n’était pas un jeu de pouvoir, personne n’essayait d’etre mauvais ou de me faire du bad. It’s just an era that’s different from others, and we’re saving our best comments. »

It will be on the poster of a romantic comedy. Idea with youdans lequel elle joue une quantenaire qui entame une passionate relationship with a young singer from a fashionable boy group. In V Hathaway’s magazine column I explained that avoir elle-même participated in the casting to find her partner. Mercy #MeToo. 2 more films will be released on Prime Video.

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