The amazing effects of kiwi on mental health

In the study, participants took a daily vitamin C supplement, a placebo, or two kiwis. They then reported their vitality, mood, sleep quality and quantity, and physical activity via smartphone surveys (illustrative image by Infobae).

He conquered the world thanks to his unique combination beauty, taste and nutritional value. This is a kiwi that turned out to be powerful stimulating mood according to new research from the University of Otago, New Zealand.

In a study published in the British Journal of Nutrition, researchers found that this fruit It improved vitality and mood four days after use in people with vitamin C deficiency.

Co-author, teacher Tamlyn Connerfrom the Department of Psychology, said the findings provide people with a tangible and accessible way to support their Mental health. “It’s great that people know this. small changes in your dietjust like adding kiwi can make a difference in how they feel every day,” he said.

Consumption Vitamin C It is associated with improved mood, vitality and well-being, while its deficiency is associated with depression and cognitive impairment.

“This helps us see that what we eat can affect how we feel relatively quickly,” added one of the study authors (Istok).

However, Professor Conner said limited research has examined how quickly mood improvements occur after vitamin C supplements or whole foods.

Researchers attempted to fill this gap using an 8-week dietary intervention in 155 adults with low vitamin C levels.

Participants took a vitamin C supplement, a placebo, or two kiwis daily. They then reported their vitality, mood, quality and quantity of sleep, and physical activity using surveys on smartphones.

Researchers found that kiwi supplement improvement in vitality and mood over four days, reaching a peak between 14 and 16 days. Vitamin C, on the other hand, did not significantly improve mood until day 12.

Main author, Ph.D. Ben Fletcherwho conducted the research as part of his doctorate at Otago, said understanding the nuances of when and how these effects occur in everyday life contributes to our knowledge of potential food benefits and supplements rich in vitamin C on mental health.

“It helps us see that what we eat can have influence relatively quickly in how we feel,” he added.

The researchers used a smartphone survey method to identify daily mood changes when eating kiwi.

“To begin with, our participants were in relatively good mental health, so there was little room for improvement, but they still reported benefits from treatment with kiwi or vitamin C,” he said.

He added that while vitamin C supplements have shown some improvement, the study highlights the potential synergistic effect of consuming whole foods such as kiwi. “We are promoting holistic approach to nutrition And welfareincluding a variety of nutrient-rich foods in your diet.”

In addition to the direct implications for people seeking to improve their mental wellbeing, the study introduces new methodology to nutrition research.

A large kiwi is thought to weigh on average between 100 and 120 grams, providing between 61 and 73 calories.

“Usage intensive surveys from smartphones “provides real-time insight into daily changes in mood-related outcomes.”

The mental health benefits come with very few calories: just 61 per 100 grams. For every 100 grams of kiwi there are:

  • Calorie content: 61 kcal.
  • Protein: 1.1 g
  • Fat: 0.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 15 g
  • Fiber: 3 g

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