“The Democratic Alternative will support the candidacies of Cristina Lizardo, Alberto Tejada and Victor Fadul” | daily list

The Dominican Liberation Parties (PLD) and the Democratic Option (OD) extended agreements at the municipal and congressional level in various regions, where they will field common candidates in the next municipal and congressional elections.

In a press conference, both political organizations said that a “partial scope” agreement had been reached. This includes 92 candidates for various mayoralties; 137 for the addresses of municipal districts and 17 senatorial offices, Apart from deputation.

Will support the candidacy of the Democratic alternative Cristina Lizardo, candidate for senator in Santo Domingo province; Luis Alberto Tejada, Mayoral candidates in Santo Domingo Este; Víctor Fadul, candidate for mayor of Santiago, among others.

While the PLD will support senatorial candidate Daries Estrella in Ochoa; Federico Cuevas, candidate for councilor in Barahona, Jorge Leyba, candidate for councilor in Santo Domingo Norte, and Jaime de la Rosa, who intends to run in the Cana Chapatán municipal district. All of them are members of Democratic Option.

The agreement was signed by Minou Tavares Mirabal and Juan Ariel Jimenez, presidents of Democratic OptionVice President of the Purple Party.

Likewise, these opposition parties confirmed their participation in the elections with their respective presidential candidacies: Abel Martínez for the PLD and Virginia Antares for the Democratic Alternative.

(TagstoTranslate)Democratic Choice(T)Candidates Will Support(T)Cristina Lizardo

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