The discovery of a notebook in a raid could be important in terms of social schemes.

Federal Judge Sebastian Cassanello

A notebook seized in one of the raids this Monday for alleged extortion from social leaders could be a key element in taking the investigation forward. This is because in the first analysis of that material, handwritten inscriptions were found listing attendance at demonstrations and deliveries of goods to canteens.

Prima facie, this information would be consistent with the WhatsApp conversations that the victims presented in court: To maintain the social plan it was necessary to join the march, lists were taken and those who did not go fell into the category of “punished”. Which could mean losing the scheme, paying fines and not receiving food provided for free by the national government.

“What appears to be more scattered in conversation begins to give it meaning.” They told infobae A judicial source is working on the investigation.

Notebooks were seized in one of the dining rooms that were raided on Monday. A total of 28 procedures took place in homes, headquarters of social organizations and soup kitchens. Polo Obrero, Barrios de Pie and the Front of Organizations in Struggle (FOL)The three organizations which are being investigated.

Polo Obrero leader Eduardo Beliboni leads a demonstration

According to sources, from that notebook, notes related to the demonstrations and a list of those present and absent emerge. And also records on delivery of goods. The names of the people are in the list.

That notebook is part of the various elements that were kidnapped. In addition to cell phones and other technical elements, there are other notes and documents that will be evaluated. federal judge sebastian casanello He has already ordered that all the information from the cellphone be extracted within five days.

The magistrate also ordered a general freeze on the assets of all defendants in the case and ordered that the five victims, who testified as witnesses in the case under cover of anonymity, become part of the nation’s Justice Ministry security program.

With the documents analyzed and cell phone information obtained in the courts, they believe it will be possible to proceed with the subpoena for investigation if the evidence obtained indicates this.

Part of WhatsApp conversation that has surfaced in the court case

On the other hand, the court also intervened the National Institute of Associatism and Social Economy (INAES) to conduct audit on cooperative societies in the last two years. This is because one hypothesis of the reasons is that a part of the money received from the maneuver was invested in cooperatives.

“It has been preliminarily confirmed that, under the guise of solidarity activity such as the administration of soup kitchens, groups of at least three (3) people were formed, using the powers granted to them by the former Ministry of Social Development. Were. Within the framework of the Potentiar Trabajo Plan for the Security of the Nation, he systematically sought to demand funds from the beneficiaries of said social benefits – people in situations of high social vulnerability -, under different concepts – “capitas”, “quotas”, ” They devoted themselves to the rent of “food rooms”, etc., charging them for the delivery of food – despite the fact that they received it free of charge -, thereby allowing them to sell food received from the national state in the area. Was forced to. The accused kept the profits for themselves—and/or forced them to participate in the “mobilization” of political groups to which they belonged—and even in some cases distributed candidates’ leaflets for electoral elections. -; All this is under the express threat that, if they do not comply with these demands, they will be removed from social benefits and/or they will be deprived of food and goods,” the federal prosecutor said. Gerardo Polisita In his charge.

Meanwhile, a portion of the defendants in the case appeared in the file. This is what 13 members of Polo Obrero did, whom he appointed as lawyers. Liliana Alaniz, Claudia Ferrero and Eduardo Panelo And they started getting access to the file. The defendants are expected to begin making submissions.

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