The front end of the new BMW 3 Series will leave you speechless

As much as BMW in our country it is a brand that continues to be left behind Mercedes And AudiThe German brand, two of its direct competitors in terms of market share, can boast of having one of the highest rated models on Spanish roads, especially among those who continue to choose sedans. It’s nothing more than BMW 3 seriesthe most compact sedan of the German brand, with Audi A4 And Mercedes C Class as well as its two direct competitors.

It’s no secret that, like many other models from three manufacturers, although Mercedes turns out to be the most luxurious and most premium, BMW has a much more sporty character, while Audi It remains somewhere in the middle.

Actually, BMW 3 series This is one of those models that continues to be a big success even years after it is no longer in production, especially in the used market where this type of premium sedan continues to be a big success. Of course, it should be borne in mind that, like other models of the German brand, this Episode 3 It will be transformed in the future with the advent of a new design language linked to the manufacturer’s 100×100 electric models.

The future electric BMW 3 Series is radically different from the current one.

Some time ago, the brand presented, through various prototypes, a new design language, the design language of the future that will be possessed by its electric models, which will obviously become the real heroes of its catalog many years from now.

The inspiration for this new design language comes from none other than Avarvari, one of the designers who most often gets it right with his future car designs, who posted a series of images of what the future will hold on his social media. BMW series 3, namely the family version, the so-called Touring.

A new design that has nothing to do with the current one, but is part of a design strategy. Noye variety, which has generated a wide range of comments on social media, from very positive to very negative, especially from those who don’t want to know anything about this new design language. It’s obvious that BMW is moving towards a completely different future in terms of the design of its cars.

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