The happiest people have this simple habit they do every day at home

Happiness It is a momentary state of maximum satisfaction that, although fleeting, we all use as a goal in life. Something that Will Smith has already said in the film looking for happiness: “This part of my life, this little part, is called happiness.”

We look for all possible mechanisms to achieve firm and lasting happiness. Some of these include sitting down with a therapist to improve our emotional management, going on a trip to disconnect from our daily lives or meditating to escape stress. All of these things are great for being happy, but sometimes, they are not enough. There are many Factors that do not depend on usIf not from external sources or the environment itself, we should not feel discouraged if we cannot control it.

Many experts have given their verdict on how to achieve perfect happiness and how to overcome those obstacles which are not in our power to achieve it. There is one, Cecil Konijendijkwho conducted a study that determined 3-30-300 rule So that our mood remains good.

Tamara Falco Pedro del Hierro 3 l5vozg86 2022 11 16Tamara Falco Pedro del Hierro 3 l5vozg86 2022 11 16

Attention, Tamara!

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