The incomparable duet of Emma Stone and Yorgos Lanthimos in Cannes at “Types of Kindness”

Collaboration is a nuisance if it is regulated, and discussion topics are the scripts that are easiest to obtain. Minutes before the Cannes performance, a press release was issued announcing that Lanthimos and Stone were beginning a concert on the tour of another film ensemble called Bugonia.

Other options that can be used as a paraitre – a 35-year-old presenter from Arizona, a 50-year-old cameraman from Athens – are immediately formed by the partnership “Realist-actor plus Solides du cinéma”, collaboration based on feelings is absurd and voluntary for the most unusual topics

Pour Stone, le lien qu’elle resent avec Lanthimos n’est pas si différent de celui qu’elle entretient a Nathan Fielder, le comédien sombre et pince-sans-rire from “The Damnation”.

“Je ne dis pas cela à la légère, même si je sais qu’il est facile d’utiliser ce mot avec desinvolture: ce sont tous les deux des génies, confirm Stone. Il son. I thought it was only one who chose Inne. It cannot be that the clothes are coded or condemned. It is simply a way of seeing society and race. In fact, you need to consider all two aspects: why does this social structure exist? Pourquoi avons-nous ces ces regles? Comment sommes-nous censés fonctionner en leur sein?”

Que ce soit in the aggressive farce of “The Favourite”, in the childhood experiences of Bella Baxter’s social murders in “Pauvres Creatures”, or in “Types of Kindness”, in a triptych of extreme stories about extreme relationships of control, Lanthimos, In collaboration with screenwriter Efthymis Philippou, for conducting unique studies of social conformity.

“I was inspired by reading Camus’s Caligula, the narrator of Lanthimos. I begin to think about the control that a person can exercise over the lives of others. In the room I thought it would be interesting for a level researcher plus staff who know that I want total control of my life, even in my details.”

“Kindness,” which Searchlight Pictures will release in theaters June 21, is an occasion for Stone (outre “Bleat”), co-directed with Lanthimos in the style of his previous films (“The Lobster,” “The Mise à mort”). du cerf Sacre”) with Philippou.

“C’était l’occcasion d’etre enfin dans this version l’esprit de Yorgos, dit Stone. Avant de le rencontrer, évidemment, c’étaient les seuls que j’avais vus.”

The two available discussions about the making of A Kind of Kindness are ahead of Big Creatures, but on the other hand, the Oscar-winning film’s suite, during the lengthy post-production process, benefited from a large number of special effects for the film.

“Do you know that our Evons also see possible parce que nous nous disions: “Je ne sais pas ce qui va se passer sur “Pauvres créatures”?” » Stone’s descent to Lanthimos.

“Every day after work we are visiting. Comment était-ce? How do you feel about haste? What do you think? Stone continued. And he said, “This is a disaster.” Chuck zhur. Et je disais: “OK, that’s what I think.”

Alternative, “Types of Kindness,” Stone, “était libre et heureux et tout le monde va adorer ça.”

Redefining the concept of “mainstream”

We were surprised to see a three-hour film of Types of Kindness, which was used at a large party with actors in three stories. (Parmi eux: Jesse Plemons, Willem Dafoe and Margaret Qualley.) Three parties foreshadow stories of balancing labor – staff rivalry, suspicion of matrimony and sexual abuse à des niveaux serious and surreal.

Pour Stone, “Vinds of Kindness” continues a series of daring projects, not “The Damnation” and “J’ai vu la télé briller” Jane Schonbrun, qu’elle a produit, in the era of Stone pouvait, à elle seule, donner le feu vert à presque tout.

“The common denominator of these elections auxquelles j’ai participapé is that ce sont des choses that I see,” Stone said. C’est la seule jauge I’m not getting rid of it. If this is not the case that made me say: “Je dois aller voir ça le jour où il sortira”, alors ce n’est, probably pas une bonne solution pour moi.”

Mais elle et Lanthimos pourraient bien déplacer la barre de ce qui constitutive “mainstream”. Extreme cruelty “A kind of kindness” ont conduit certain, compared with “Pauvres créatures” – un conte profane de pass à l’âge Adulte sans vergogne sur une femme morte réanimée avec le cerveau d’un enfant – comme si c’ This is a kind popular entertainment for the entire public.

“C’est Tellement Drôle d’understand les gens Parler de ‘Pauvres Creatures’ comme du Film Conventionnel que nous avons fait,” Lanthimos said in sour silence. “Je suis un peu énervé mais ensuite je dis “non, attez, c’est génial que les gens considèrent les ‘Pauvres créatures’ comme une choosen normale.’ Pendant Nous n’avons pas le réaliser, 12 years old.”

At this stage, the collaboration between Stone and Lanthimos continues, and projects may make their way to other countries. Stone’s viral dance in Kinds of Kindness, at this moment in the film’s announcement tapes. In the end, only one of them chose to do what Stone did in the Big Creatures scenes.

“Elle mettait une chanson et dansait comme une folle, raconte Lanthimos. Je disais: “Je veux que tu fasses ça dans “Types of kindness.”

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