The man who tried to kill the Slovak Prime Minister did so over suspension of military aid to Ukraine

Juraj Cintula, the 71-year-old man accused of attempted murder for the attack on Slovakian Prime Minister Robert Fico, said during interrogation with police officers at the Handlova police station that no one knew about his plan.

This is evident from the ruling in which investigating judge Roman Puchowski ordered his preventive detention after Fico was shot last Wednesday as he was leaving a meeting in the town of Handlova, for which he faces a sentence of 25 years in prison.

In particular, the man did not want to “involve anyone” in the shooting. According to the Slovak newspaper ‘Pravda’, he parked his vehicle in a nearby parking lot and said he had nothing important in it, not even weapons or explosives.

“During the interrogation he stated that he did not agree with the current government’s policy,” the letter said, adding that it also stopped sending military aid to Ukraine.


Cintula revealed during interrogation that he had aimed his pistol at the lower part of the Slovak Prime Minister’s torso and that the distance between them was not even two metres, so “even a blind man would have been able to guess correctly.”

Despite this, the judge summarized that the man planned the shooting and even carried two magazines, each with ten bullets, and brought one of them to his home. He waited for about an hour until Fico left the meeting to shoot him.

Fico is in stable condition after being shot four times, although his condition remains serious. On Tuesday, a control CT scan of his abdominal cavity was performed at the FD Roosevelt Hospital in the city of Banska Bystrica, where he is admitted.


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