The meta details how WhatsApp will connect with other messaging apps. We’ll have to wait sitting

Don’t expect WhatsApp compatible apps anytime soon

Meta yesterday officially announced WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger compatibility with other messaging apps. Under orders from the European Union, the company was forced to make the necessary changes to allow cross-messaging.

Problem? Finding compatible applications will not be so easy and quick., since the deadlines set by Meta are significant. That’s all the company has explained about compatibility with other apps.

To comply with the new Digital Markets Act (DMA), which comes into force today, March 7, Meta has made changes to WhatsApp and Messenger to open up the ability for these two apps to interact with third-party messaging services.

The company explains that other providers will need to meet the necessary requirements to interact with its services. This will involve end-to-end encryption.. In the case of WhatsApp and Facebook Messenger, the E2EE signal is used. However, Mehta explains that there will be some flexibility.

To maximize user security, we prefer third-party providers to use the Signal protocol. However, since this should work for everyone, we will allow third-party vendors to use a supported protocol if they can demonstrate that it offers the same security guarantees as Signal.

According to Mehta, WhatsApp’s technical architecture is simplified.

Meta also explains that once a request is received for a service to interact with its applications, The process may take more than three months rather than leaving the functionality “open to the public”.

Third-party clients will connect to WhatsApp’s own servers using their own messaging protocols, ensuring that the user can receive push notifications even if they come from another messaging app.

In short, you can still see apps messaging with WhatsApp. This will be a slow process due to Meta’s agreements with other companies. Regardless, it’s good news that the door is open and we’ll have a more complete app with rich features in the future.

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