The Nordic diet: a simple and healthy way to eat to lose weight and get rid of fatigue.


The Scandinavian diet includes plenty of fish, poultry and root vegetables, but knowing where to start can be difficult. This allows you

enjoy fresh ingredients and studies have shown that this plan can reduce the risk of heart attacks in adults. What’s more, research from Lund University concluded that following the Nordic diet can help lower cholesterol levels.

Key foods include seasonal berries, root vegetables, and fatty fish (great for omega-3s), as well as slow-release, high-fiber carbohydrates such as whole grains, legumes, sweet and skinned potatoes, oats, rye, and barley. . .

This combination suits mewhat helps you stay full longer

avoid food cravings.

Fermented dairy products such as skyr (similar to low-fat Greek yogurt) and kefir are also an important part of the diet, providing waist-slimming calcium and beneficial bacteria for

healthy digestion. A bowl of yoghurt, berries and oatmeal is the perfect breakfast for the Scandinavian diet.

Scandinavian diet and how to lose weight

Fill in

half plate with vegetables such as carrots, onions, cabbage, garlic, tomatoes, peas, spinach and broccoli. The rest should be slow-release, high-fiber carbohydrates such as rye bread, whole wheat pasta, oats and barley, as well as some good quality proteins such as fish, eggs or lean meats.

Fish It should appear 2-3 times a week, including 1-2 servings of fatty varieties such as salmon or mackerel (canned fish are equally good). AND

eat as many berries as you want, as they are an excellent low-calorie dessert. And help yourself to one or two servings of low-fat dairy or

a small piece of cheese a day.

This eating style focuses on very healthy foods, many of which are plant-based, and is always recommended by nutritionists. And although data is still limited, some research suggests that following a Nordic eating pattern may help

weight loss and lower blood pressure.

As the name suggests, the Nordic diet

includes locally produced products or which are traditionally consumed in Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden. The diet, developed in collaboration with the renowned fine dining restaurant NOMA in Copenhagen, emphasizes the use of

regional, healthy and seasonal products.

What does the Scandinavian diet provide?

The Nordic diet is a healthy diet that shares many elements with the Mediterranean diet, which is considered the best diet for people.

prevent heart disease. He also emphasizes plant-based eating. Both diets include moderate amounts of fish, eggs and a small amount of dairy, but limit processed foods, sweets and red meat.

While the Mediterranean diet includes olive oil, the Scandinavian diet favors olive oil.

rapeseed oil(also known as canola oil), high in healthy monounsaturated fats. But it also contains some alpha-linolenic acid, a plant-based omega-3 fatty acid similar to the omega-3 fatty acids found in fish. Certainly,

fatty fishthe richest dietary source of omega-3, plays an important role in both the Scandinavian and Mediterranean diets.

Woman eats healthy food. //


The Scandinavian diet also emphasizes

high quality carbohydrates: Cereals, crackers and breads made from whole grain barley, oats and rye. A dense, dark sourdough bread called Rugbrod is popular in Denmark. These whole foods contain high amounts

nutrients that protect the heartsuch as fiber, vitamins, minerals and antioxidants.

Eating lots of berries is another unique aspect of the Scandinavian diet, which may explain some of its features.

Benefit for health. Research by Harvard researchers has linked eating more berries (such as blueberries and strawberries) to less weight gain and

lower risk of heart attack. Berries are an excellent source of plant chemicals known as anthocyanins, which lower blood pressure and make blood vessels more flexible.

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