The Spaniard’s daring ride earned him his third Jaén Paraíso Interior Classic.

lor said Paco ReyesPresident of the Council of Jaén, formerly: “Few events in the world have managed to establish themselves in such a short time as the Classic.”. Third edition of the magazine Jaen Interior Paradise He improved the first two, although the bar was high, and the storm increased the difficulty and forced the number of “sterrato” sections to be reduced from 12 to 4.

Before leaving, on the same square BaezaRepresentatives of several associations addressed the media present to explain the reasons for the protests throughout Spain regarding the rural environment and related sectors. They are not asking for their “problem” to be solved as quickly as the peloton traveled this Monday, but at least they are asking for a fair and happy ending.

In the spotlight, smiling and full of hope, the two men called to lead the success of Spanish cycling. Juan Ayuso and Carlos Rodriguez, they spoke confidently about what would happen next. Both have known each other since childhood, and together in Jaen they began a season full of dreams, where the Tour de France became the common denominator.

Fast start

The Road Warriors started the event at full speed. Igor Arrieta (UAE), Nicolas Prodomme (Ag2r), Oyer Lazcano (Movistar), Jefferson Cepeda (Caja Rural) They made their first escape of the day. The rain that had threatened to dominate the day gave way to sunshine that warmed the backs of the angry peloton. Falls and beginnings soon followed one after another.

He starred in one of them himself Van Aert, the main favorite to win: after the puncture there are 50 kilometers left. One of his teammates changed a tire and the Belgian had to warm up to reconnect. Ahead, the fugitives had an advantage of more than three minutes.

Among the fugitives was a champion Spain Lazcano with my usual hunger. The Basque, who wanted to take a magnificent trip in search of fame from afar, is “enjoying” this start of the course, where he will have great fame in Movistar Team.

A very bold attack

12 kilometers before the finish, Lazcano left Prodomme and went alone. He had a lead of just under a minute with Kuss ahead of the other candidates. The Wolves pressed hard from behind, but due to a lack of understanding between them, the Basque managed to win alone, achieving one of the most rewarding victories of his career. The champion of Spain, after a 110-kilometer flight, carried the national flag among the Sea of ​​Olives.

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