They caught an alleged associate of the 18 gang who was interviewed by the YouTuber

The detainee expressed in statements to the YouTuber that he is dedicated to “caring” for the Villa de Jesús community in Soyapango and claimed to be a “citizen”.

By alexander pineda
03 January 2024- 12:22

Public Security Minister Gustavo Villatoro said yesterday that a man accused of being an alleged associate of the 18 Sureños gang was captured in Soyapango.

The officer assured that the detained person has been identified as Jaime Mauricio Salas Giron alias Lustre, known as an associate of the 18 Sureños gang and he was arrested in connection with a complaint made through social networks. Was caught through.

According to the complaint cited by Villatoro, Salas is seen giving statements in a video talking about the alleged control he maintained over a community in Soyapango.

“Thanks to our PNC’s investigative and intelligence work, we located and captured this terrorist.” The minister said through social networks.

They caught an alleged associate of the 18 gang who was interviewed by the YouTuber
Security Minister Gustavo Villatoro said he was arrested following a complaint on social networks. Photo courtesy @Vi11atoro.

Last December 27, Costa Rican YouTuber Christopher Araya published a video on his channel (Araya Vlogs) in which the now detained man says Along with not belonging to any gang and dedicating himself to “looking after the area”, he identified himself as a kind of “vigilante” of the Villa de Jesús community.

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“Note that I do not “I can control because the one who controls is Bukele, but we take care of the territory because, well, yes, we are not gang members or gang members or anything, okay,” When asked whether he “controls” who enters or leaves the city, he declared.

He said that he and the other people dedicated to the care are “citizens” and that the same people “give it” to them willingly because they are not asking anyone and reiterates that they are dedicated to surveillance work in the field.

The YouTuber asked him if he had faced any problems with the government because of some tattoos of the letters “VP” that he had on his chest and which he showed on camera.

“I don’t have a problem with the government, but the problem is that a lot of people are deceitful because they see you with tattoos and they give you the finger because you’re a gangster.” Answered.

Villatoro explained that they would “not allow any criminal organization to usurp the powers of the government.”

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